Ìîÿ ôîòîãðàôèÿ Lozinskaya Victoriya
The theme of the work:
 The working up of the management system of telecommunication networks with the using of nueral network's theory
Scince manager: Bessarab V.I.
Faculthy: CIT and A
Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks
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Studing in secondary School
Studing in secondary High School
Choice of the master's work's theme
Theme development
Plans for future

I was born in the 27th of April in 1981 in the city of Donetsk . My mother, Lozinskaya G.V., is the teacher of chemistry, biology and geography in the school ¹78. My father, Lozinskii N.S., has the degree in chemistry. He works as vice-chief of City’s Staff of Civil Defense.

In 1987 I entered the school number 78. There were many very diligent and clever pupils in my class.From the eighth form started to learn foreign languages deeply.I took part in many competitions. Graduated from school in 1998 with the gold medal.
When I was eight I started to study in the Child’s Music School ¹3 and I’ve finished it by 1996 in piano classes.I was fonding of fencing for more then six years. I recieved c.m.s.

The High School was chosen with the aim of studying and continuing the sport’s career . I liked technics very much especially PCs. I entered CITand A's faculty. The speciality is "Telecommunication systems and networks".

I began an excellent studing from the second term. I took part in the competition in telecommunication systems. I was the seventh. At the end of 2002 I took part in the International Students’ Conference and won the third place.

Once I wanted to model network's working . The result is traffic needs to bo managing. Ordinary the algorythmes of traffic's anagement are in "clever" swtches and routers. However this managing supposes to throw off traffic from the direction and up to it permit the other traffic. The part of information losts. In this case the anagement is the really good decision. I decided to work out the management system. The foundation of the system is distribution of traffic into different directions. The management system is decided to do on the base of neural networks.

Neural network is the technologies of the future based on the neural network can manage the network without human. This theory (the neural networking theory) is used as the means to reproduce the imiges. Such posibilities represented by neurons on a models of neurons of the human brain. The founders of this theory are Japanese.

The futher working out proposes creation the alogorythem of apparatus of network's management and later the apparatus itself. If working out of the apparatus is demanded the large economical expenditure then management system will improve.

The knowledge that I've received will help me to do important contribution in development of branch . I hope that my workings out will make the push to the development the problem and tasks and their solving with the neural networks.

Author's abstract
The plan of the master's work
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