I was born on 8th January 1977 in Jordan, Ramtha city that is on the border with Syria. I have a very large family in Jordan:
I have four brothers, four sisters and thirteen nephews and nieces.
1981 my parents surrender me into the kindergarten,
so I mat there many good friends and I received elementary knowledge, with them goes I into the school.
1984 I have gone to school. I learned very well as excellent pupil. My favorite subjects were mathematics and physics.
I learned in this school until fourth class, because we have special teaching system.
1988 I have changed this school and have gone to school with a mathematical and physical bias where I learned with pleasure too.
As I have many talents, I took part in various school competitions as physical as mental (for example football, volleyball, basketball, Olympiads on mathematic s and physics and s. o.).
I interesting in poetry and drawing, I write verses and different stories myself.
My poetry took first place in my school and then it was published in the newspaper.
Our handball team has taken first place in region.
I have good voice and can play drum, so I shared in all school concerts.
When I even came to Ukraine I take place every year on concerts for Independence Day of Jordan.
1995 I finished the school and this year I entered the Beauty Academy, where 1997 I received the
Diploma as cosmetologist, hairdresser and visage man
As I always dreamed of high education 1997 I went to Ukraine.
I entered preparatory faculty of Medical University, while my parents wonted I would be a Doctor.
So I studied from the first year on dentist. Though time I understood that I don't want to be a doctor,
I wont connect my life with computers and I have convinced my parents too.
So I was transferred to other Donetsk National Technical University, Computer Informational Technologies and Automatics faculty,
computer diagnostic systems speciality. Our University was not easy, there I met my destiny.
So 1999 I have married with Ukrainian women.
3 years later 19th august 2002 was borne my son.
After the lapse 3 years of family life I understood all fascinations of
Ukrainian cookery (as argument: I gained weight on 23 kg).
2002 I received the Diploma of Bachelor. Meanwhile I entered Magistrates.
The theme of my magisterial work:
"Development of expert system of diagnostics circumvolution funiculi umbilicalis a
fruit in Donetsk the centre of mother and the childhood"