Faculty: CITandA (Computers information
technologies and automatic) groupe IE-98a
Theme:"Explorering of geophysical
methods and developing of unversal geophysical device"
Super-visor: Vinnichenko Nickolay
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My name is Prakhin Daniel,
I was born at 9th of January in 1981 in Donetsk. My mother -Prakhina Valentina
(she cook’s well, especially cookies). My father - Prakhin Victor. My older
sister - Prakhina Julia.
When I was 3 years old my parents gave me to the kinder garden. For the
period of 4th years I had changed 3 kinder gardens. And the last of them
was kinder garden - “Cosmonaut”. I had finished it when I was 7 years
old. In this garden we celebrated our last day, our parents presented
school bags for us.
At 7 years old I went to the school #14 of Donetsk. My first teacher was
- Liachenko Marina, she was a nice and beautiful woman. My favorite subjects
at school were mathematics, physics, biology and programming labor training
and PD (public defense). In the school I took part in competition from
different subjects, won some of them. In 11th form I and my friends from
class took part in city competition from PD. I had finished school in
After finishing school I want to be a programmer, and I wanted to enter
in DonNTU (Donetsk National Technical University) or DonNU (Donetsk Nationl
University). After completing exams I entered in DonNTU, on specialty
“Industrial electronics” of CITandA faculty (faculty of Computers Information
Techologies and Automatic). During the study in the university I took
part in competition from different subjects and won some of them. One
of the greatest competitions was from “Business Ukrainian Language”. In
2000 I joined the chair of “Military Preparation”, and I graduated it
in 2002 year.
The theme of my work: “Researching of geophysics method and construction
of universal device”. But I think that topic will be change. My super-visors:
doctor of technical science Vinnichenko Nickolay G., leader of the laboratory
from construction devices - Alex I. Archipenko.
After finishing university I will rest a little and will work for the
public welfare.