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Varflusev Denis Vladimirovich
Donetsk National Technical University (DNTU)
Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatic (CITA)
Specialty: Automated Systems of Control  (ASC)
Theme of work: Development of the computer subsystem of operative management of production for machine-building enterprise
Scientific leader: candidate of the technical sciences, assistant professor Lazdyn Sergey Vladimirovich

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I was born on June 8, 1981 in Druzhkovka, of Donetsk area. In 1987 I went in the first class of school ¹12.
In 1993 on competitive base I went in school ¹7 to class-lyceum. From 9 till 11 classes I took part in town olympiads on mathematician, where I won the prize places. I has finished school in 1998.

In 1998 I became a student of the Donetsk National Technical University by result of the rating. My choice of profession "Automated Systems of Control" is explained. This direction of the science is more perspective and it opens the broad possibilities and it is very actual at present.
After 4 course in 2002 I have got the diploma of the bachelor of the computer sciences.
After ending University I hope to work on a specialty and to apply the knowledge on production.

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Last update: 05.04.2003