I was born on the 5th of February in 1954 in city Zugres of Donetsk region. My father worked
as mechanic on repair of coal submission of electrical station. My mother worked as mechanic at the same electrical
During study at school I showed interest to physics, mathematics and geography. After 8 years of study at school I have
continued studying in Zuev power technical school on a speciality "Electrical stations, network and system".
During studying I took a great interest in automatic control systems and also I made laboratory works
and installed stands for its. After ending a technical school I served in lines of the Soviet Army, where has
finished a service in a rank of the senior sergeant.
After ending a service in army I have acted on study in Donetsk polytechnical institute on a speciality "Mechanical
equipment of metallurgical plants". During study I worked as designer in a student's design bureau at institute.
After ending institute I have remained to work on faculty in a post of the engineer. In the period 1984-1991 I
borrowed a post of the manager by branch research laboratory "Maintenance service and diagnostics of the
metallurgical equipment" which was created at the Ministry of black metallurgy of Ukraine.
By results of the carried out researches in 1989 I have written and have protected the dissertation on a rank of the
candidate of engineering science on a theme "Forecasting of term of gradual failure of stochastic object. On an
example of the metallurgical equipment". My protection passed in the Kharkov institute of radioelectronics.
Since 1991 and till the present time I work as the lector on chair "Mechanical equipment of of metallurgical plants",
where I read the following courses of lectures:
Maintenance service of the metallurgical equipment on the basis of computer technologies;
Organization and management of repair manufacture;
Automation of repair manufacture.
The sphere of scientific interests includes a circle of questions connected with organization and computerization
of repair service of the metallurgical enterprises. The realization of the executed development consists in formation
of the automated workplaces (AWPs) from which the structure of repair service of the metallurgical enterprise is formed. AWPs
are grouped in four subsystems:
Repair service of industrial shop;
System of spare parts;
System of repairs;
Financial system.
Now and seven kinds AWPs are developed and maintained at the metallurgical enterprises.