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Was born on May 9 1927 in Konstantinovo village of Marjenskij rajon Donetsk's oblast. Has finished building technical school and Donetsk industrial institute(1953) with distinction On a speciality " Industrial and civil building". All his work activity was linked with DPI-DonNTU.
The Assistant of Resistance of materials faculty(1963-1967), the senior teacher (1961-1963), the senior lecturer(1977-1985), professor (1985-1986), the head of the faculty(since 1986). The candidate of engineering science (1963), the senior lecturer (1968), the doctor of engineering science (1985), professor (1987), the deserved worker of national education (1996).
Has made the large contribution to development of material base of faculty. (Creation of original laboratory installations). The deserved worker of national education. Has made the large contribution to development of material base of faculty. (Creation of original laboratory installations), improvement and development of study-methodical maintenance of educational process. The author 11 textbooks and manuals (128 printed sheets) with signature stamps of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. In them there are the plenty of own original and essentially new development is stated which are widely used in scientific researches.
The known scientist in the mechanics elastic distorted of systems. Has developed the theory multicable elevating machines, on the basis of which Donetsk machine factory LKU has created new highly effective elevating machines.
Has proved and has created essentially new bulldog-type device, that has allowed for the first time in world practice to liquidate unique failure on mine "Krasnolimanskaja".
Has prepared as the scientific chief 2 and as scientific adviser 9 candidates of sciences. Has published 170 scientific works, among which in 3 parts " the Mechanics of elastic deformable systems ", " Dynamics(changes) of elastic rod systems ", " the Building mechanics ".
The veteran of work " (1985) is awarded by medals " For outstanding work " (1970) and ", Is marked USSR " For excellent successes in work " is familiar Ministries of education and sciences.
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