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DonNTU | Masters | Search system of DNTU

Photo of Blino Igor, 2003

Blinov Igor

Electrotechnical faculty

Group F-99b

The topic of master's work:

"Informational management system for the electric power nets of Oblenergo"


The scientific supervisor is:
Muha Valentin Pavlovitch, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences

The scientific advisor is :
Zabolotniy Ivan Petrovitch, assistant professor, doctorant






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    I was born on June 21, 1981 in Donetsk. My father - Blinov Viktor Igorevitch, born 1957 - driller engineer. Mother - Lepskaya Irina Michailovna, born 1957 - mining engineer, geologist.
    In 1988 I entered the school No2 of Donetsk with a profound study of English, which I have graduated in 1998 with silver medal. During the school education I took an active part in the numerous school activities such as quizzes, interschool and city study competitions on mathematics. I've graduated a musical school on fortepiano class.
    In 1998 I've enrolled in the Donetsk State Technical University (DSTU) on the specialization "Machine building technology". Having got acquaintance with the possibility to learn French profoundly, I've transferred to the French Technical Department (FTD), whereafter I've changed the specialization to "Power Supply of Enterprises and Cities" (electrotechnical power consumption systems). I've got an opportunity to learn French with a perfect teacher - Voskoboynikova Nina Petrovna, thanks to her I have achieved considerable results in learning his language. In 2000 and 2001 I've received the Certificate of Paris Commercial Chamber on the science technical French and the Diploma on Business French of the 1st level.
   After passing state exams and receiving the bachelor degree with honors on the "Electrical Engineering" I have passed the education program in the France in the Paris "High Special School of the Building and Indusstry" (ESTP) on the specialization "Electromechanics" whereat I have studied a number of technical and economical disciplines, After the end of the theoretical study I have passes the practice of the ALSTOM T&D enterprise in its sub-unit Energy Management & Markets (EMM) as the probationer-engineer. The basic activity of ALSTOM T&D is transmission and distribution of electric power. The main sector of the EMM activity is connected with dispatching and computer-based systems of electric nets management and also with the energy markets management.
   As a result of the probation work the diploma work was written and successfully defended. The idea of the work was in the elaboration of the application program, designed for the work with data bases of SCADA complex with the utilization of the Internet technologies. The elaboration was conducted on the framework of Ukraine-French project for "Ukrenergo".
Currently I continue education in the magistrate of Donetsk National Technical University on the topic "Informational management system for the electric power nets of Oblenergo". The scientific problem lays in the misfit of the technical equipment for the electric network management and computer based management system used by the personnel, including the methodology of the elaboration. The scientific supervisor is Muha Valentin Pavlovitch, professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, the scientific advisor is Zabolotniy Ivan Petrovitch, assistant professor, doctorant.
   At the same time I am a student of the fifth course of the Personnel Retraining Department of the DNTU on the specialization "Enterprise Economics", where in 2003 I've received a degree of bachelor in economics.
    During the education in DNTU I've passed through the course of the Military Department, having received the military rank of reserve officer.
   My future activity I plan in the area of the development of the energy complex of Ukraine, by means of the elaboration and implementation of new progressive technologies. I hope that the knowledge obtained on both specializations will allow me to make a considerable input to the development of the energy and economics of my country.