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Anastasia A. Bulgakova

Anastasia A. Bulgakova
group ESiS-99
e-mail: astasia_@mail.ru

Electrical power system department

Theme: “ The improvement of mathematical simulation for non-fault automation starting elements”

Scientific advisor: candidate of technical science, assistant professor Ivan P. Zabolotny

ua ru


     I was born the 13th December in 1981 in Donetsk-city. My parents: Bulhakov A.A. (1950 - 1989) and Bulhakova H.N.(1958).

     My preschool training was in the kindergarten “Yolochka” (1984 – 1988). I remember the kindergarten in light morning performances, studding of alphabet and work lessons, where I studied to draw and to do applications.

     In 1988 I went to the first class of Donetsk-city school #50 and studied there all initial classes. My first teacher is Oleynikova G.A. This great pedagogue was able interest to the study, books and knowledge’s.

     In 1992 my family changed the place of residence and I am passed to other school in this connection.

     At school I am preferred to the exact sciences and took part in competition of mathematic, physic, history, geography, biology. I took an active part in public school life.

     I would like to mention the best school masters of school # 41 which helped me, namely, history teacher Kameneva S. A., Ukrainian language and literature teacher Kutaphina O.P., mathematical teacher Rusal L.A., geographical teacher Egorchenkova L.V.

     In 1999 I entered to Donetsk national technical university to Electrical power systems and networks specialization. The high school choice was motivated by serious reputation of this higher school. Owing to special subjects I have understood my profession seriously .

     On the 3rd course I began to engage scientific investigations. My scientific advisor is assistant professor, candidate of science (tech) Zabolotny I.P. Also I studied questions of data base organization and problems of equipment diagnostic.

     During the studying I went to department of economy of enterprises.

     Summer holidays I spent in student camps – “Burevestnic” and “Serebryaniy gorn”.

     In the summer 2003 I has received the bachelor's degree of electrical engineering. After that to me have suggested to continue training in a magistracy. I have agreed, in fact, taking into account the tendency of Ukraine of integration into Europe, in the future we shall pass to the international education system where the following part after the bachelor is the master. The head has suggested to engage in research of mathematical model of performance of electric system as all further calculations of operating modes of power system depend on accuracy of its performance, definitions of its parameters. The subject of my masters work "Improvement of mathematical model for starting devices of anti-damage automatics" Efficiency of the decision of existing problems of operative management to a significant measure depends on used means - information technologies and technology of programming. The first problem, which needs to be solved is a problem of appreciation statuses and identification of a mode (the current configuration of a network and parameters of the current mode). The purpose of work is perfection of mathematical model of generation nodes and a method of adjustment of starting devices of anti-damage automatics, technological problems of controlling taking into account feature and requirements of maintenance of appropriate reliability at a present stage of development of power.

     In December 2003 I defended the degree work on a subject “The Cost price of production: ways and reserves of its decrease”. Base higher education on a direction of preparation “The Economy and business ” also was received.

     After the ending of a magistracy I am not going to continue the further training in a post graduate course. Therefore in the future it would be desirable to realize the ideas in "real" conditions. At the given stage of a life I’m in search of such opportunity.


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