

Sivokobylenko V. F.

Sivokobylenko Vitaliy Fyodorovich

Doctor of technical science, professor, academician of Technological academy of Ukraine

the manager of faculty "Power Plants"

The doctor of engineering science, professor, academician of Technological academy of Ukraine, manager of faculty of "Electric stations", expert in the field of electric power industry, member of the scientific - methodical Council on electric power industry of Ministry of education of Ukraine, chairman of specialized scientific council К11.052.02 at DonNTU on protection of candidate dissertations, member of specialized council at Novocherkassk polytechnic institute on protection of doctoral dissertations on the speciality 05.09.01 (electric machines) and 05.14.01 (power plants), member of Scientific council DonNTU and council of power faculty, member of organizing committee of a scientific conference " Problems of the Ukrainian technological nomenclature " (Lvov)
Sivokobylenko Vitaliy Fyodorovich (1934, village Reznikovo, Kharkov region) in 1957 has graduated with distinction Kharkov polytechnic institute on speciality " Power Plants, networks and system". Worked in Donetsk separation ОРГРЭС (1957-67) and in power management Donbassenergo (1967-71), where was engaged in adjusting, operation and research of operational modes of power stations. Since 1971 worked the senior lecturer of faculty " Power Plants, networks and system " DonNTU, and since 1974 by the manager of this faculty. In 1986 has defended a doctoral dissertation in the Moscow power institute on two specialities: "Power Plants, networks and system " and "Electric Machines". In 1987 is affirmed in the scientific rank as professor.
Under the management Sivokobylenko V.F. in DonNTU the organization and becoming of faculty of "Electric stations" was conducted. 8 new educational labs equipped with the new modern equipment are created. It is prepared and issued the study-methodical allowances at all courses.
Scientific works Sivokobylenko V.F. in DonNTU are widely known and are the powerful contribution to the development of the theory and practice of mathematical modelling of operational modes of the power plants. On the basis of these works in DonNTU the scientific school is created, due to activities which one for the first time decides a problem of ensuring of successful formation self-starting of asynchronous and synchronous drives, the new relay protections for power stations are offered. These activities are introduced in all countries of CIS on TES and AES, in power systems, on compressor stations of gas mains.
Reads disciplines: "Electrical part of power stations and substations", "Mathematical problems of power".

Under the scientific management Sivokobylenko V.F. successfully have defended candidate dissertation 26 post-graduate students, 2 doctoral dissertations are prepared for protection. Sivokobylenko V.F. has published in the seal 260 scientific works, among which one 5 monographies, 60 inventor's certificates on the inventions and patents, 2 manuals.
In specialized scientific council К11.052.02 in DonNTU, in which one he is the chairman, the protections of candidate dissertations on three specialities are carried out: power plants, networks and system, electric machines, electrotechnical complexes.
The most relevant publications are:
1.Переходные процессы в многомашинных системах электроснабжения электрических станций: Уч.пособие /Сивокобыленко В.Ф. - Донецк, ДПИ, 1984. - 116с.
2.Сивокобыленко В.Ф., Музалев В.В., Махинда Сильва.Ограничение перенапряжений при замыканиях на землю в системах электроснабжения собственных нужд электростанций. Сборник научных трудов ДонГТУ.Серия: Электротехника и энергетика, Выпуск 2: - Донецк: ДонГТУ, 1998. - с.229-233.
3. Сивокобыленко В.Ф., Гребченко Н.В., Апухтин А.С., Зубашенко В.В. Дополнительная резервная защита мощных блоков генератор-трансформатор. Збiрник наукових праць Дон ДТУ Серiя "Електротехнiка i енергетика", випуск 21: Донецьк: Дон ДТУ, 2000.-с.84-88.
4. Сивокобыленко В.Ф., Меженикова М.А. Определение параметров эквивалентных схем замещения турбогенераторов для расчета на математических моделях. Збiрник наукових праць Дон ДТУ Серiя "Електротехнiка i енергетика", випуск 17: Донецьк: Дон ДТУ, 2000.-с.38-41.