Master of electrotechnical department
Chair "Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive"
Group EAPU-99à
e-mail: master.evgen.82@mail.ru
     I was born the October 20, 1982, in the city of Donetsk,I live in Kirovsky region.
     The Father - Karpin Nikolay Vasilievich,he was born in 1956 in Donetsk, in 1975 he finished Slavyansk technical school of rail-freight traffic on profession "Technician - elecromechanician",than he worked the assistant of the machinist of the electric locomotive. In 1988 he finished Donetsk technical school of industry automatics on profession "Electric equipment for conduct of the cleaning and passaging works". At present he works on mine 4-21 (former "Petrovskaya"). The Mother - Karpina Lyubov Petrovna,she was born in 1959 in s. Alekseevka, Zaporozhskaya area, in 1976 she has moved in Donetsk,she worked at Donetsk worsted - spinning factory, then - in secondary school 97 laboratory assistants of the biology cabinet. Since 1993 -she is the housewife.
     In 1987 I was visiting the kindergarten 70. Already in this age I knew the whole alphabet and could without problems to pack the word from plastic letters. In 1989 I will go first once in 1-B class of the secondary school 97, which is found in microregion "Textile worker" of Donetsk. Hereto time I could liberally read. From 8 class I took part in district olympiads on mathematics, physics and ukrainian language, repeatedly occupied the prize places. I shown an interest to exact sciences. This aptitude has served the motive for arrival in technical high school exactly. The loved teachers was plenty of - all name not shall to offend. Special thanks I want to express the teacher of mathematics Dushko Valentine Nikolaevna - a director of our school that she gave me very deep fundamental knowledges on mathematics and pass in life. In 11 class I have solved to try my own power in the tests on mathematics. Prepared much zealous. After three tours I have taken 54 ballets from 60 and was recommended for enrolment in this storied high school on profession "Electromechanic systems of automation and the electric drive" (EAPU) on budgetary form of the education. The motive of the choice to profession EAPU became from its versatility and urgency - an engineers can work in all branches of industry, as well as my aptitude from childhood to practical activity in the field of electromechanics.
In 1999 I finished school with Gold medal and has delivered the documents in receiving commission of DonNTU.
I took part in all olympiads, conducted within the framework of high school. On the first course I have occupied the 1st place in olympiad on engineering graphics, on the second course - 6th place on mechanical engineering.
In 2003 I took part in olympiad on electromechanics, which passed at April in Kremenchug.
In the summer 2003 I has got the diploma of the bachelor with difference on profession "Electromechanic systems of automation and the electric drive" .
2003 - 2004 - an education in magistracy of DonNTU under the direction of senior teacher of the pulpit EAPU Kornienko Anatoliy Prokofievich and managing pulpit EAPU professor Kocegub Pavel Haritonovich.
The subject of the master's work - "Studing the system of the phase regulation of starting the anisochronous engine and development of recommendations on using it for powerful band conveyors". The main purpose of this work - a practical realization of the different improvements for system of the phase regulation on the base of serial devices UPTF, one of which is found in laboratory 105.
     In the near future, there is drudgery both on practical, and on theoretical part of the work. I want all theoretical ideas of the developments to realize in practice since I do not respect "dry" theory.
     My future activity I see with the work in industry to use got in DonNTU knowledges in practice.
I wish everyone good luck!