Tsigankov V.À. 2004Tsigankov Viktor Alexandrovich


Chair "Electrical Power-Station"

Group ES-99


Subjects of scientific activity-"Efficacy methods limitation overvoltage in the nets 6-10 kV in the time of short circuits phase on the ground".

Scientific leader: Lebedev V.Ê.,candidate technical scieceis.

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       I'm Tsigankov Victor. I was born on March 20, 1981 in city Makeevka of the Donetsk area.
       My parents:
       Father - Tsigankov Alexander Victorovich, he was born in 1959.
       Mother - Tsigankova Tamara Vasivevna, she was born in 1961.
       In 1987 I has entered to the middle shcool ¹50 cities of Makeevka. I studied in a mathematical class, where I learned exact sciences. As weakly was engaged in physics.
       In 1998 I has ended school. After that I decided enter to Donetsk State Technical University (later Donetsk National Technical University), Faculty of Electrotechnics, specialisation "Electrical Power-Station".
       In 1999 I has entered to Donetsk National Technical University electrotechnical faculty on a specialty "Electric Power-Stations". My serious life has started in Donetsk National Technical University. I have met interesting people here, learned so many important things, which I think must come in handy in my life.
       In 2003 I got the bachelor's degree of the Electrical engineer with excelent mark, specialisation "Electrical Power-Station".
       The direction theme of my scientific work was offered by the chief chair "Electrical Power-Station" Sivokobylenko V.F. The object of research is the overvoltage in the nets 6-10 kV in the time of short circuits phase on the ground. The theme sounds as follows: Efficacy methods limitation overvoltage in the nets 6-10 kV in the time of short circuits phase on the ground. This problem is so interesting and important.
       The theme is urgent, is caused by problems arising in connection with the current material condition of networks. The results of researches allow to estimate efficiency used for decrease overvoltage of methods and devices, and also to reveal directions of their improvement and to find new ways of the decision of a problem. In researches in this area the whole group of the scientists is engaged which is headed by the Sivokobylenko V.F.,candidate technical scieceis. That the researches in this area of a science are important and are vitally necessary is confirmed by all becoming frequent applications for realization of researches power enterprises of Ukraine.
       The plans for the future is successful work with the use of my knowlege.

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