Bosenko Oksana Vitalevna
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Department :
"The machines and apparatuses of chemical manufactures"
The Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials "
Theme of master's work:" the Substantiation of the sizes and designs termolizysis units for processing wastes " The scientific supervisor:
prof. Alexander Sergeevich Parfenjuk
I was born on the forth of February on 1982 in a beautiful city of Donetsk on Ukraine. On a solar winter day my remarkable sister Jenny (we are the twins) was also born. You will probably want to know if we are alike. I shall tell at once – no we are not. You, probably, doubt (do not shake your head, all the same I shall not believe). You are not the only person who doubts, but if you see us together all the doubts disappear.
In the childhood as it seemed to my parents, I was an obedient and good child, but it was not so.
When all little girls of my age were played with dolls I played football with boys, and put coins on the tram rails. When I was six years I began to show interest to mechanisms. I repaired the bicycle on which the circuit slept. Those were the happy days. But, unfortunately, all sometime comes to an end.
In 1988 has gone to 1-st class of high school ¹22. Besides my study I went in for athletics and dances. I took part in competitions on chemistry, geography. I took an active part in sports life of our school, and I was awarded with the letter.
When I was going to school, I began to notice that I was inclined to learning engineering science. When I was in the eighth form I decided, that I should try to enter in Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU). Then I had to choose a future profession. That is why I decided to stay at school and go to the 10th and 11th forms. And later on I applied to be accepted as a student to DonNTU. There were rating tests there at that time. The dream has come true.
In 1999 I became a student of DonNTU. My future profession is ”the Equipment of chemical manufactures and enterprises of building materials” . The faculty is ”Ecologies and chemical technology”.
The first days of study were the most difficult. All around was new and interesting
Having finished the first year of my study I understood, that I had made a correct choice concerning a future profession.
During the years of my study I studied the English technical translation, mastered the work on the personal computer, and also the program of the automated designing the COMPASS. I took part in regional competition on resistance of materials.
In 2003 received the first diploma in my life - the bachelor's degree. But I didn’t stop on it. And now I am the master. I am so happy to say it.
Theme of my master’s works -” the Substantiation of the sizes and designs thermal units for processing wastes”, the professor Alexander Sergeevich Parfenjuk.
The choice of the theme of my master’s works was not casual. Annual accumulation of billions tons various on structure firm industrial and household waste products leads to ecological crisis. Therefore the effective and prompt decision of a problem of firm waste products is one of the most actual problems that mankind have to solve to it’s survive. The best specialists in opportunities and ways of the different high-developed countries in Europe are looking for the decision of this urgent problem.
The western technologies of thermal processing of waste products do not allow quickly, and the main thing, effectively to solve this complex the problem and for us to develop alternative and maximum effective technologies of processing waste products for our conditions ourselves.
In my opinion the best decision of the problem for Ukraine is the new technology is complex processing solid carbon wastes, the basic unit to which realize it is to apply inclined thermal furnaces.
Later on I am going to get one more higher education in the field of economics or the legal right.