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Donesk national technical university

Profession: Applied ecology

Subject of the diploma: "Ecological estimation of recreation
forest in reserve areas of Donesk region”

Professor: Sinelchicov Rostislav Georgievich

Date of birth: 22 December 1982
Plase of births:  c.Taganrog, Russia
Parents:  father - Chulanov Ivan Konstantinovich, driver; mother - Chulanova Nina Petrovna, ekonomist.
Formation:  general school N7 in Harcyzsk. In grade schoolby my loved tutoress was Lisichenko Lubov Ivanovna, which conducted the lessons so that in school I always went with pleasure. She often organized for class marches in wood, as well as small holidays with sweet tables and merry play. In our occupation took part and parents, sometimes settled down so named parental days. In senior class my loved subject were a mathematics, history, russian language and literature. Presently with pleasure read the classicist, particularly like I.S.Turgenev and S.Cveyg.
Date arrivals in high school:  1 September 1999
Status on given moment:  magisters student Donetsk national technical universite.
Profession:  applied ekologya (specialization - management ecological safety).
Motive choice to professions: longing to do the world better and clean. Parents helped me to do this choice . Now I him for this grateful since beside I appeared the chance to become the professional in deal.
Achievements:  diploma for the best report on ukrainian scientific conference graduate student and student "Guard surrounding ambiences and rational use resource" 2003 (c.Donesk);
                 diploma for non-standard decision the tesk on international olympiad "Guard surrounding ambiences" 2002 (c.Livov).
Fascinations:  photography, history, tourism, literatura.
Respect in folk:  professionalism, punctuality, kindness.
The plans on nearest future: get the diploma of the master to ecologies, find fittingly paid work on professionalism, improve english, get the certificate of the driver.
The Plans for the following 5 years:  go to journey on West Europe, be settled in own house.
My life will be long, lucky, stable and interesting, which will pass in encirclement of my families and friends, who, I hope, since year will become all more.

DonNTU Masters DonNTU

Masters work Search report Electronic library References Individual task