DonNTU FEM Biografy Thesis Links |
So if, You, have getted to this page, that asks to perceive all its contents with smile since minute a laughter, on Your choice, or prolongs the life for 15 minutes, or changes the glass of milk. My name Max, surname Mihalev, at the time of writing the article to me was 21 and I learned in Donetsk National Technical University (it DPI) and worked at furniture factory "ODA" deputy director on marketing. Given article is written with one single purpose - get in consequence "automaton" on subject network information technology. Well but now on order... Once upon a time in freezing april time, in state a hail Donetsk 15.04.1982, was a light certain young person, which, in the following, will be known, as Mihalev Max YUrievich. This portentous event preceded the boundless love Mihalyova YUriya Ivanovicha to Mihalyovoy Vera Vladimirovne, for that I him is much thanked and already ready partly to return embeddeded investments in me. In a certain time I have returned in garden, usual such, from sulphur a brick, in measure fading with usual educators. In the first once in garden to go much did not want, but afterwards getted accustomed. Exactly here I beginned be formed as personality. Afterwards was a school No125. I was dreamy and self-conscious child and on this, but can and not only, peers considered me little "brake". This me then powerfully oppressed, but presently I here to otnoshus with smile... As many boys that age was much interested the all the manner of technology. Leader, amongst loved device was ZX Spectrum local assembly. Specifically attracted the plays, well and little Basic. There my fascination by computers changed in style lifes. In 1995 time of change beginned in my lifes. First that happenned - whereas, in school No125 have poured the quicksilver and parents have translated me in school No124. By then this school was crowded school, and I have falled into "especial" class. Its particularity was concluded in that that in him were collected laggard in training a schoolchildren with the whole flow. Is Necessary notice that backlog in training was vastly filled the perception severe reality. For me this was absolutely new society and it has leaved rather weighty imprint in my lifes. This imprint - begin formations of self-respect and deliverances from complex inferiority tinned in garden. Will of event has reduced me with computer community on behalf of members to amateur computer network an frends FidoNet. This society has also contributed its trace. In him I beginned to drink the beer, swear the mate and learned to communicate with miscellaneous by people. 1997 was a continuation that turbulent change, which with me occurred. I have enterred a Mentality in lycee. Given educational institution differred from other that that in he learned the teenager with rather high level of development and teachers, who, in majority its, wanted to teach, rather then bribe. Summer 1998, together with ma, I have goed to repose on Azov sea in hotel a "Burevesnik". There I was smoke my first cigarette and has drinked the first half--litre an sixty-percent water. Here is so I and alive before 11 classes. Itself has getted up the question - where go the young person in modern abudance of high schools. And here is, again, accidentally, ed on announcement about set on starting-up course in Academy of management. Is Necessary note that course were not limited by preparation to entrance exams, was enough much different introductory economic discipline. On these courses I and was defined with its future profession, she becomed marketing. In principle By then beside I already partly ed the plans on future life, on this and choice was is not mated. Main advantages this profession were:
And here is, comed time of entrance exams... Not having taked necessary ball on budget in academy of management I, on advice of parents, enter in DonNTU. Approaches the first september 1999 and I naive ex-liceum cames in its future alma-mutter. First vapour(pair) not litter. Single that litter, so this that after vapour(pair) I with several goupmate will go to drink the beer. On the first two courses - thinked that copius. But all turned out to be on much matter-of-fact - the measure appeared in alcohol, additionally throwed to smoke. As from the second course worked programmer-designer-take-get-fuck-you-...-non-disturb;prevent in one JV, in this connection enough often did not visit any pair(vapour)s and some subject, on session, delivered on five-seven once. To fifth course I have understanded that with training I enter not correct and that all that knowledges, which I have getted by practical consideration - only drop, in contrast with that that me necessary business for conduct. On this, little killed rate in shoulder strap for long rouble, I have directed power in training. Result becomed the arrival in magistracy DONNTU. On count of plans for the future - I have the a long list of strategic goals, which I want to reach to thirty years. Coming of them I form; annual plans with the current plans. In plan a training I want to earn the ranks a candidate economic science. But for the rest - rather many and for this necessary to write separate become, writing which in my plans does not enter. And I will study English better in future... |
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