Nikulin E.K. |
Nikulin Eduard KonstantinovichDate and place of birth – July, 3, 1938, the town of Kransny Luch, Lugansk region.Work status – Associate Professor of the Faculty «Mining Electrical Engineering and Automatics» since 1992 Scientific degree – Candidate of Technical Science since 1984 Academic status – Senior Research Officer since 1992 Office phone – 910726 Contact phone – 910873 The address for correspondence – 58, Artyom Street, Donetsk, 83000, Ukraine He has been working in the Institute since 1962. Before 1992 he was an employee of research sector: branch laboratory of hydrolift and complex automation of hydromines at the Faculty of «Mining Mechanics». The scope of professional duties includes the development of management means and systems of hydromines power transportation systems as well as the systems of technological processes automation of mines with traditional way of coal mining. Educational activity since 1992 has been connected with conducting lecture and laboratory classes on disciplines: «Means of Automation», «Telemechanics and Communication» and «Microcircuitry» as well as course and diploma designing in the field of mining technological processes automation. As far as his scientific activity is concerned, he is an expert in the field of coal rock mixes hydrotransportation via pipelines. The author of the monograph «Fundamentals of Management of Coal Mines Hydro Power Transport Systems», the textbook «Means of Automation in Mining Industry», more than 100 scientific works and 12 inventions.