Alexey Kaganyuk |
![]() Alexey Kaganyuk was born in 1944. In 1968 he graduated Kiev polytechnical institute and has begun work by the younger scientific employee in research institute of the mining mechanics and technical cybernetics in the name M. Fedorov Since 1972 for 1974 - service in the armed forces USSR. Since 1974 for 1976 works the engineer in Since 1974 on 1976 works as the engineer in syning management on adjustment of elevating machines. Since 1974 for 1976 he was studying in post-graduate course with a separation from manufacture.
In 1984 he has defended a thesis on competition for a scientific degree "candidate of technical science" on a speciality "Automatic control of technological processes (industry)". From 1986 to 1990 - the senior teacher of faculty "Complex mechanization and the organization of clearing works" institute of improvement of professional skill of heads of the coal industry. Since 1990 he is assistant professor of the department of mining electrical engineering and automatics (ÌEA). Teaching disciplines He supervise students engaged on degree thesis, teach the disciplines: "Bases of automatics and automatization of technological processes", " Installation, operation of an electric equipment and means of automatization", "Adjustment of devices of automatics, technological systems and devices of protection". Scientific achievements Aleksey Kaganyuk had worked in research institute of the mountain mechanics and technical cybernetics,
where was engaged in development of electronic-hydraulic weights for conveyors. The given equipment now serially is issued by the Odessa instrument-making factory. Was engaged in development of essentially new gauges of the control of the unit between coal and rock. At the same time was engaged in development of new control systems by a coal combine. On these robots copyright certificates are protected and scientific articles (28 works) are printed. Aleksey takes part as the executor in realization of economy-contractual themes: 90-106; 91-456; 95-107; 96-109 "Development, manufacturing of a complex of system of indemnification of capacitor currents of short circuit on the ground", state budget that M30-90; H-15-2000 "Researches and development of principles of construction of the automated control systems by mining-technological processes". Senior lecturer Kaganyuk A. took part in International conference in the International symposium which passed in St. Petersburg in 1996.
Has more than 60 printed works, from them 9 - copyright certificates. Office telephone: 38 (0622) 91-08-10 |