of the representations of Open Company "Sterling Group Ukraine"
in Donetsk area May, 17-18, 2000
On presentation in DonNTU the representative group of employees of holding of Ukraine and Russia has arrived with the head deputy of the general director of Open Company "Sterling Group Ukraine" Rassal'sky A.N. (Zaporozhye).
Heads and experts more than 20 enterprises of Donetsk area arrived including: Department of the coal industry of Ukraine ("Electric networks of Mimugleprom"), scientific research institute "Ukrpromvodchermet", SIE "Donugledecontamination", The coal company of Joint-stock company "Donbassugol'", UkrNIIVE, ON "Donugol'", ON "Donetskugol'", The joint venture "KLASCHKA Electronics' & Àutomation", Open Society "Chaso-Yarsky fire-resistant combine", Donetsk muffin-confectionery combine etc.
At plenary session (May, 17) projects of holding "Sterling Group" in Russia and in Ukraine on automation of the enterprises of various industries, systems of the account to energy and scheduling, the commercial account of the electric power on the basis of the integrated platform RTAP/PLUS were shown.
Next day were shown:
- The integrated system of the account of energy and scheduling of the organization «Disk-110»
- System of the commercial account of the electric power on the basis of the integrated platform RTAP/PLUS (the electric power, pairs, gas, water)
- Controllers and the software of concern "Rockwell Automation"
- Frequency - adjustable drives and actuators "Allen Bradley" and "Reliance Electric"
- The device of quality surveillance of electric power Power Monitor II
During work of presentation heads and experts of some enterprises have voiced interest in realization of projects of management information ÀSC TP on the basis of technical decisions "Rockwell Automation" and "Allen Bradley".
Participants of holding met rector DonNTU Minaev À.À., pro-rectors. It was marked, that DonNTU becomes base for training experts in the field of creation and operation of management information ASC TP at a level of the best world samples; the coordinator of activity on perfection and creation of management information ASC TP at the enterprises of Donetsk area; the direct executor of the projects of management information ASC TP coordinated with customers. If necessary realization of such projects will be carried out by joint efforts of base branch "Sterling Group Ukraine" and DonNTU.
The course of presentation was informed by correspondents of newspapers "Gorod'", "Evening Donetsk", "Donetsk polytechnic", magazine "Mercury", and also Broadcasting Company "Ukraine". As a whole, visitors of presentation marked a high level of technical maintenance of reports and works of sections, a significant information saturation and novelty of the contents of speech of participants, their high professionalism, modern (with application of last achievements of engineering) equipment of work of sections, a high level of the organization of presentation.