Dekanenko V.N. |
Has ended Donetsk polytechnical institute on a speciality "The electric Drive and automation of plants" in 1978. Upon termination of institute borrows a post of the assistant of faculty GEA, with 1983 on 1984 - is trained in the post-graduate student. In 1984 protects the dissertation and receives a rank of the candidate of engineering science. Since 1986 - the senior lecturer, and in 1987 receives a scientific rank of the senior lecturer of faculty GEA. With 1989 for 1991 passes training in Japan, Kusu, university Fukuoka. Office number: (062) 335 13 44 |
Wait your messages and wishes on to Web-site of faculty GEA on E-mail:Gea@pop.donntu.ruLast changes are brought in to a Web-site: 21.02.01 |