Êovalev Å.B. |
He was graduated from the Moscow Energetic institute (1952 - 1958) by the specialty "Electrical machines and devices". He was working in VNIIVE (now UkrNIIVE) from 1958 ã. till 1999, making the career from the junior research assistant till the vice-head the department of the electrical machines. In 1970 he defenced of the thesis of the candidate of science by the speciality "Electrical machines and devices". In 1990 he defenced of the thesis of the doctor of science by the speciality "Electrical machines and devices" in the institute of Electrodynamics of the Ukrainian National Academy of Science. He works in DNTU from 2000 as the professor of the departments "Electromechanics and the theory of electrical engineering" and "Mining electrotechnics and automation". Teaching disciplines He supervises the over degree projecting, leads the laboratory and practical studies by the disciplines: "Electric drive and devices", "Math modeling of the industrial process". Scientific achievements He publushed more then 160 scientific work, among them there are the monograph "Heat tubing in the electrical machines" (1987, co-author) and the article "Analysis of the ways of intensification of coal producing mechanism's engines cooling". (Electrotechnics. - 1986.-¹ 10). The main scientific direction includes the research of:
e-mail: gea-klaschka@pop.donntu.ru office telephone:  38; (062) 91-08-73 |