Nyeyezhmakov S.V.






Nyeyezhmakov S.V.

Sergey Nyeyezhmakov was born on 7 December 1977 in Donetsk.

In 1999 he was graduated from the magistracy of the Donetsk state technikal university by the speciality "Automatic control of the technological processes".

From 1999 till 2002 he was studying in post-graduate course on the department "Mining electrical engeneering &automation (MEA)". From 2002 he is the assistant of the department MEA.

Teaching disciplines

He supervises the over degree projecting, leads the laboratory and practical studies by the disciplines: "Basis of the metrology and electrical measurements", "Standardization and metrology", "Technical means of automation", "Data control and processing information systems".

It was developed ang made the number of stands and models at the "Laboratory of information-measuring engineering and metrology" to being studied by the students of different specialties at above named courses.

He is the author of the six publications. He took part at the scientific and technical conferences: I and II Ukrainian scientific and technical conferences of the post-graduate students and students "Automation of the technologocal objects and processes. Search of young" (Donetsk, 2001-2002 years), Science-practical conference "Donbass - 2002: science and technique for production" (Donetsk, 2002).

The sphear of the interests: metrology,standartisation and technological measurements, automation of the boiler-rooms.

 e-mail:  gea-klaschka@pop.donntu.ru

office telephone:  38; (062) 91-08-73

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