Staroverov K.S. |
I graduated from the Donetsk state technical university in 1996 by the speciality "Automation of mine-technical processes and industries" and was recomended to enter to the graduate school. From 1996 I also had been working in "Avtomatgormash" on the laboratory of plane automation at the post of an ingeneer-constructor, and from 1998 at the post of the senior constructor. This period of activity was connected with preparing of the project and taking part at the industrial tests of the device of automatic control of the plane ARUS.2M and the device of control and indication of the mine machine AKIN.L state. (for mine elivating machines). At this period I also woked at the testing and installation of results of the dessirtation connecting with the project ARUS.2M. From 1999 I had been working as an assistent of the department "Mining electrotechnic and automation", and from 2000 till now as the senior lecturer. On 30 March, 2000 I successfully defenced of the thesis of the candidate of science by the speciality 05.13.07 «Automatization of technological prosesses». I am an author of the 18 science articles and educational methodical manuals. Teaching disciplines
Science interests
Main practical achievements
e-mail: Office telephone:  (062) 91-07-26 |