I was born on January, 2, 1982 in Alchevsk town of the Lugansk region. As well as all young people of my age went in 1988 in fourth secondary school of native town, which finished with a with excellent estimations in 1999. During studies at school was engaged in the sporting orientation and judo, attained certain successes in these types of sport. But in these years it is interestingly than all was to sit in winter with friends in basement small room, to play cards "Thousand", to smoke "Bond", to drink the fathers home-distilled vodka and listen the "Red mould" on an antediluvian tape recorder. I remember these times with the special warmth, there is it is sorry that with the friends of childhood is seen very rarely.
In 1999 acted in DONNTU on speciality "Industrial heat engineering" of physics and metallurgy faculty. The choice of place of studies did not represent the special difficulty, simply I sat down next to parents and poked by a finger in a sheet with the list of specialities. As subsequent five years showed, I not made a mistake not on a millimetre, because I like my speciality and people with which I became acquainted in an university.
I was not limited to the studies only on one speciality in DONNTU, also I got the diploma of bachelor on speciality "Economy of enterprise" and made off a military department. And on the military department and on the second speciality I became acquainted with mass of interesting people about which for me the most good flashbacks will be only. Only for it I am infinitely thankful alma mater, but yet I obtained very much much professional information which will help me in future. To the magistery I entered not without vibrations, but all doubting evaporated, as soon as I have become acquainted with teachers and objects, which they are taught. All of them people in a high degree skilled and in most possess the charm which can give only an intellect multiplied on large experience. I chose the theme of the magister work not by chance. The ideas of energy saving technologies and idea of increase of ecological of agglomeration production, which on today's moment are super actual.