Because of the unlimited consumption of energy during previous decades, including in area of treatment of metals by pressure, notion output-input ratio of deformation practically vanished from the pages of scientific literature. The inelaborate of this question does not allow presently to have, besides common determinations of output-input ratio of deformation, clear criteria of associate, as with the indexes of formoizmeneniya
so with work of deformation. It in same queue does not allow to the technologists at the choice or development of one or another system of calibers quickly and reliably to estimate their output-input ratio and give preference to the energosberegayushim variants, in default of other considering.
For estimation and computation of formoizmeneniya in drawing calibers many authors, such as Z. Vusatovskiy, And. M. Pavlov and M. And. Hares, B. E. Haykin and In. V. Kozlov were used by enough general descriptions of process on the basis of law of constancy of volume. However presently there is no analytical dependence allowing to use her how the single criterion of deformation is for any system of calibers.
The study of dependence between energosilovimi parameters and proper indexes of deformation is other insufficiently known and not enough developed question. So Z. Vusatovskiy and I. Ludiga carried out vast test for the study of terms at rolling in box calibers. Data present in the special literature show that only Zibel tried to calculate additional friction at rolling in calibers. The coefficients of friction are indicated Zibelem, are solely known until now data by which it is possible directly to take into account more high resistance of deformation at rolling in calibers. By a major factor which friction on the lateral walls of caliber relies on, there is limitation of ushireniya. The G. Tsouhari researches showed so, that resistance of deformation at one passage-way of square in a rhombus on 20 - 28 %
more than at a passage-way the rhombus in a square. These results once again
testify to the substantial influencing of additional friction in calibers, both on the internal moving of metal, and on force of rolling and work of deformation on the whole, consequently and its output-input ratio.
The analysis of researches of conducted in different countries testifies to importance of the affected questions, however they carry a separate character and do not differ by a completeness.
Even superficial analysis, present on today of results of researches, formoizmeneniya at rolling with power testifies to existence of intercommunication of indexes
by expenditures, that undoubtedly requires additional strict
theoretical and experimental proofs, generalizations and
establishment of criteria of comfortable for the use on
to practice.
The developed on a department OMD engineering method of estimation of output-input ratio of deformation, being based on the fundamental bases of the OMD theory, allows to get the single criterion of power efficiency of the OMD processes: rolling, pressing and dragging.
The in same queue developed method of determination of output-input ratio of deformation will allow to estimate existing
arsenal of model calibrations of different types from point of energosberegeniya and to get the row of alternative variants with a preference on energosberegeniyu. The stage of planning of development of calibrations is the no less important stage of the use of the developed method, choice of effective charts of deformation and their optimization on the criterion of output-input ratio.
The preliminary computations, based on experimental determination of power expenditures at rolling of separate types show that the real economy of electric power can arrive at 18-20% only from replacement of one system of calibers on other, without the additional capital investments.
The questions of energosberegeniya will present the special actuality, both on existing, and again brought into action visokoskorostnih of high quality and wire figures.
These analytical expressions are got appearance establishing a connection between longitudinal, transversal and height deformation on
to the basis of law of constancy of volume; intercommunication is set
between the specific size of work and index of formoizmeneniya; the results of researches and estimations of the drawing systems of calibers confirm a hypothesis about growth of output-input ratio of deformation with the increase of correlation of the displaced volume of metal, between extraction and ushireniem.