Donetsk National Technical University
Name: Kindyakov Pavel Pavlovich Сoordinates: fiziko-metallurgical faculty , 5 building DNTU, Industrial heat-and-power engineering chair Instructor: reader Pyatishkin George Georgievich The magister work theme: Investigation of the heat-transfer coefficients in heat-hardware.
I was born in 1982, in the city Torez, Donetsk region. In 1988 went out into the first class Donetsk General middle school of 1-3 stages №55 and graduate it 1996 year. On the number of the most favourite objects I will add physics, informatics, chemistry, geography and physical education. In school years carried with a guitar, therefore in 1990 entered Donetsk musical school №1 on the class of guitar, participated in different musical competitions, took prize seats. In 1995 graduate Donetsk musical school №1 with excellent mark. |
Copyright c 2004, Pavel Kindyakov