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Kliaguina T.S.
Klyagina Taya S.

Faculty: physico-metallurgical

Master's work theme: "Analysis and perfection of the heating and stabilisation regimes of the blast-furnace blast temperature"

           Scientific adviser : prof. Rostovsky Vladimir Ivanovich


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    I was born on the 23 of February, 1983, in Donetsk.

    Father: Sergey G. Kliaguin, 1959, he graduated from the Donetsk National Technical University in 1982, speciality - engineering and mechanics, he also graduated from the Military Academy in Kiev and worked as an examining magistrate till 1997, now he's working as a lawyer. Mother: Ludmila V. Kliaguina, 1963. In 1982 she was graduated from the Donetsk Industrial Technicum, then she graduated from DonNTU, speciality - engineer.

    I began to study in the secondary school #14 in Donetsk, from 1990 to 1997 I studied in the secondary school #69. My favorites subjects were mathematics, physics, biology, russian language and literature.

    Besides the school i also studied in the various sections: engaged in art gymnastics for a several years, studied in musical school, learned to dance. I adore drawing so I also attended an art school.

    In 1999 I entered the Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) by passing sucssesfully all the exams. The chosen speciality is "Environment protection in metallurgie".

   Language skills
    I studied English in school, in University I decided to study French so I entered the French Technical Department where I learned many technical and fundamental disciplines in French. But besides the technical French I have also learned buisiness language.

    In 2004 I've got the bac degree and now I continue to study in DonNTU to get the master's degree. My master's work topic is "Analysis and perfection of the heating and stabilisation regimes of the blast-furnace blast temperature". The work is planned to be written in French. The main point of my work is dedicated to the problem of the energie debit decreasing in the blast-furnace by improving the hot-blast stoves' working regimes and by utilizing their wasted heat.

    Scientific achivements
    While studing in University I have published 4 scientific articles :
    1. Kliaguin G.S., Kliaguina T.S., Pecherskykh M.A. "L'effet de serre", 2003.(in French)
    2. T.S. Klyagina, Y.U. Ponomareva, G.S. Klyagin. "Homogenization of the sinter burden with high content of iron wastes", 2003.
    3. T.S. Klyagina, Y.U. Ponomareva, G.S. Klyagin. "Efficacy increasing of blast-furnace slags' utilization, 2004.
   4. April the 15, 2004, I took the floor at the 3-rd international students' conference "Environment protection and rational utilization of the nature resourses" wiht the report "Energie saving regimes of the hot-blast stoves" and was rewarded for the best report.

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