Main page of DonNTU Masters page

Ðóññêèé Óêðà¿íñüêà

Donetsk national tekhnical university
Phisical-metallurgy department

Kvasov Ilya

speciality: "Ferrous metals metalurgy"
topic if dissertation: "Research metal ladle treatment monitoring system which based on anlyse of acustic characteristics "
the supervisor: Kosteckiy U. V.

WEB (in Russian)
masters work(in Ukrainian)
article(in Ukrainian)

I was born in Donetsk on the 5 of Julay, 1982. I was 7 when I go to school ¹ 24 of Donetsk. After 2 years of studing I was transfering in school ¹ 59, where I gratuated 9 classes. After this I put exams into Donetsk liceum of Arts Intelekt Problems, where I studied 0,5 years. In finish I gratuated 11 classes of mathematic school ¹70. During studies in school I put exams into phisico-metallurgical department of Donetsk National Technical University. During studing in University I was gotten new knowlages, which were helped me to develope as individum. In 2003 year I got bacalavr diploma from metallurgy and continuous study in magistry. Research of new monitorig system of ladle treatmen process is very interested me now. My supervisor see grate future of thise work, I am agree with him. My free time I spend in friends circule. I love music, history, traveling.