Razinov Aleksei Nikolaevich
master of the  physico-metallurgical faculty
group MAG-04

E-mail: Razinov@ukrtop.com

Subject of scientific activity is:

"Research of kynetyc interection of convertor slag with line and elaboration metod to increasing of convertor campaign"


Leader: candidate of technical sciense

Dimnich A. H.





I was born 30 June of 1982 in Mariupol. In 1989 I entered in the Mariupol secondary school № 53. In 1992 I entered in the Mariupol secondary school № 67.In 1996 I entered in the Mariupol City Leceum.

In 1999 i entered in the Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) , on Physico-metallurgical faculty, with specialization on Metallurgy of ferrous metall.

In 2003 i got the bachelor degree in metallurgical and has entered in magistracy.

© 2004 Разинов Алексей