Tatsina Tatyana

Theme of science work: "Research of influence the external processing on crystallization of connections by system aluminium - silicon with the purpose of increase of the level of properties"
Scientific chief:
doctor I.Leirih 


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Master's work



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  1. Influence of vibrating processing on formation of structure of aluminium foundry alloys (The full version - in Russian)

    Authors: Leirih I, Tatsina T
    Donetsk National Technical University
    Article is published in the collection " Metallurgical science of black and color alloys ". .10

    Ways of improvement of quality castings from aluminium alloys are considered by management of crystallization of metal. In work the data on influence of vibrating processing on structure of widespread alloy ÀË6 are submitted. Alongside with vibrating processing estimated also influence of speed of crystallization. The complex metallography researches is executed, first of all authors pay attention to change of morphology of silicon.

  2. Influence of microadditives of carbon and the titan on process of crystallization of alloy AK9M2 

    K.G.Gzovskyy, V.P. Gavriluk, V.V.Laskovets

    The mechanism of influence of microadditives of carbon and the titan on process of crystallization Al - Si alloys is considered. The data on influence of a complex of microadditives of carbon and the titan on process of crystallization of alloy AK9M2 are submitted.


Main page

Master's work



(c) Copyright Tatsina Tatyana, 2004