The researched topic is enough widely submitted in Internet.
Addresses of cites that contain various information on considered topic are given below.
Cites that contain electronic editions of the books and magazines (paid).
This cite contains 50-years archive ACM publisher and about 750000 papers other publishers.
Here you can find different papers about neurocomputing.
ISCB cite. News, forums and papers about bioinformatics.
Others cites that contain pages on topic.
Search cite, specializing on the scientific articles. Cite is convenient by that allows to search both articles, and the articles, which refer (in the list of the literature) to the required article. The found article usually is offered in several formats (ps, pdf and others).
Cite also contains rather large library, in which search too is conducted. Thus, if the article is found, the user always show all known addresses, on which is possible to find the given article and offer download it from any of them (from library too).
Explanatory dictionary on the graph theory.
Cite of research laboratory of the popular company AT&T. Here it is possible to find the researches reports and article of the researchers.
Simon Fraser University (Canada) cite.
Rutgers University (USA) cite (DIMACS).
Analytical centre on parallel calculations. Huge amount of materials concerning parallel computation here is assembled. If it is necessary something to learn about parallel computation , you should start from here...
Official cite Argonne National Lab (MPI).
Ant colony optimization links.