Elena A. Pavlova


Economical cybernetics

master's dissertation: :

"Research of a mechanical trade system with usage of moving average"


Alexander V. Smirnov

mail to:palen@ukr.net

Master's  graduating work 4

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Personal taska


This significant event happened to 21/12/1981, in Yakutsk. My family was deserted in this far cold region with thirst of new sensations and profession of my parents: the father - Alexander G. Pavlov and mother - Valentine G. Pavlova - engineer-builders. A year before in my future family Diana was born. That event had made my childhood interesting, curious and full of bruises - in such simple manner, shoulder to shoulder, we've explored the world.

In 1987 I went to a zero form of school N7 in Yakutsk. However, it hadn't last too long...3-rd form was marked by moving on to Donetsk and receipt to school N5, but I hadn't also lingered over there. In connection with change of residence I went to 5-th form to school N142. I am sincerely grateful to this school and it's teachers for the help in formation of my personality, especially it would be desirable to mention the class chief - teacher of the English language - Tatiana I. Reshetova, which had imparted love to her subject. I had found out aspiration to knowledge and process of comprehension all new, huge thank to it for this… But, in connection with the same change of residence, remaining 1,5 years of high school I ended in school N90.

It has took me especially long to prove my rights and ambitions on high marks at this school, nevertheless, at the end I managed to do this. As a bonus I had got persistence in achievement of the planned purposes and high self estimation. Special thanks to the teacher of physics Nina T. Taldykina and to Katrina V. Anufrieva - headmaster of school and teacher of a history for brining up persistence, obstinateness, determinedness and purposefulness in me.

By the beginning of the eleventh form I had already precisely defined my future speciality, therefore when there was an announced about an opportunity of facultative visiting of economy classes, I agreed, without regretting of personal time, and subsequently I shone with the received knowledge during the first two years of university studying.

Even if sounds strange, the school N 90 became last 'landing-stage' for me in the sea of general education of I-III degrees, and also received honor to graduate me with the excellent certificate. Summing up a school theme, it is necessary to add, that somewhere in between a zero and fifth form they had forgotten to transfer me, and, thus, total amount of years spent on the school desk had made 12.

The choice of the future speciality was made by me one year before entrance examinations. On summer vacations me and my girlfriend began to study the newspapers and booklets of Donetsk high schools. The faculty of computer facilities and computer science of DonNTU offered preparing on a speciality Economic cybernetics. This magic word collocation has made strong impression on me at once - economy in general (due to facultative classes in school N90 and to participation in Olympiads) was already familiar to me, and the cybernetics seemed as something that it is by all means necessary to comprehend.

The student's life has appeared less terrible, than terrifying 3-rd educational body, and, by that as was constituted the time-table, I at once have understood: in this high school they are concerned about health and physical form of the students, try to sustain them in tone, and it could please. Actually there was place for small confusion per the very first day of study, at the first lecture on higher mathematician: for some reason it seemed, that have come wrong place or the lecturer - Anatoliy E. Skvorcov - has confused an audience. However, after the first term of studying this discipline the shiver in laps has vanished without a trace, I would hear this course once again with a huge pleasure.

There was no irresolvable hard tasks during the learning process: as for me all courses seemed either very interesting or moderately interesting. Specially I was pleased with the fact, that my speciality reputes study on two different directions: economy and computer science and also their interplay, synthesis and symbiose. I recollect with huge gratitude for professionalism and humanity the teachers of faculty of an economic theory Tatiana I. Rudchenko and Galina I. Rybnikova, which one, occasionally, we saw more often, than our mums. I also feel like a part of a large family which is called "Faculty of an applied mathematics and information science", because the students of my speciality are always surrounded with quivering care of Oleg I. Fedyaev.

It is necessary to add, that from the first year and up to the present moment I haven't gave up profound studying of the English language, though they have ceased to be obligatory after the first year. I have an Advanced level certificate up to present and it's not a limit!

The natural result of 4 years of hard is bachelor's degree with distinction, and the solution to enter the magistracy. I haven't took part in a choice of the master's work supervisor of and was just faced with the fact, because at that particular moment Alexander V. Smirnov has begun teaching activity on our faculty, he has offered to consider a theme "Research of a mechanical trade system with use moving average", this direction is absolutely new on our faculty, and therefore it seemed to be very interesting to me and I have agreed.

Concerning future plans: the nearest once - it is possible the training on summer vacations' time in English-speaking country (under an students exchange program of international organization AIESEC) with the purpose of a cultural exchange, deriving of useful experience of work at the enterprise, improvement of English speaking skills. I also plan to apply all luggage of useful knowledge received abroad, having returned in Ukraine. In 10 years of a systematic ascention on a career ladder I see myself holding a position, which one allows to have a free working schedule and worthy salary.