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Similyetov Alexandr Sergeevich

Similyetov Alexandr Sergeevich

elmm @
Master work: "Research of structures of 3d accelerators, which uses FPGA technologies"
Advisor of the work: Zinchenko U. E.

I was born at 03.12.1981 in Mariupol. At day nursery, kindergarten I was very restless, but later I became more calm...

During my school time I have changed three schools. Schools changed, and friends changed too. The last one was — Mariupol city lyceum. Here I got some knowledge in several subjects. At this time I have got PC, and that was one of the reasons, why I decided to study computer science at high school. I have finished school in 1999. I got some diplomas (math and English as I remember) and applied to DonNTU (Donetsk National Technical University). I decided to study computer systems and networks because I was trying to get better skill in it and tried to create my own programs. But only at third year I have understood what I'm studying for.

At the third year I began to study in "English" group, where all lectures were in English.

I have got some awards at university — I have taken part in contests on programming and system programming. The best result was on contest on "system programming" among students of high school in 2004. I have taken the third place among more than 150 participant (mostly from Ukraine, but some of them was from other countries, such as Russian federation, Taiwan, Syria).

Also I was on practice in Poland. There I wrote debug-server for RISC processor and WDM driver for USB device.

So in this way I got to fifth year of university. During studying I took a great interest in programming of 3d graphics. As I think there wasn't a lot of really interesting courses at university, and most of them I studied myself before they were studied in university. For example computer graphics, multimedia and network technologies, protected modes of Intel x86 CPU, etc.

Some time I have worked as web programmer, at first at, then at At last place I also have done some 3d modeling stuff. I have modeled "bu 286" robot for TV show "12-th star".

My hobby is a demoscene. I and my friends creating demos. Demos is not demo version of programs, but programs which in real time shows 3d animation, effects and plays soundtrack. I'm no alone in this — we have a group :) It consists of — Igor Kharabet and Anatolii Samara, known as Ygrek and zZz... My nick is elmm (this word hasn't any sense)... Also we have some members from Russia. Our group is called KCN.

Now I'm studying and working. I work as programmer. I'm developing software for Symbian platform. This OS is used in various range of mobile devices. The work is very interesting, and this direction is very promising and rapidly developing.

In nearest future I'm planning to finish studying, get more skill in software developing, project managing. Also I want to try myself in game development.

More fare plans is to organize own firm with some friends and occupy promising and large niche in software development.

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