Українськa Русский
Collage of Yurkin A.Y.




Theme of master's work: "Development and study of access facility to Linux file system resources from the part of Windows NT/2000."

Supervisor: Shevchenko O.G.

My name is Yurkin Anton Yurievich. I was born on 26 june 1982 year in town Donetsk.

In 1989 I was joined in the school N147.

From childhood my hobby is a football, but than further, that less stays time on it, in last two particularly.

When I was fourteen, I introduced with the computer technics at the first time, whereupon, in view of the big computer cost of that time and not frequent possibilities to work with them, I tried not to miss any issue of single-purpose journals (weekly "Computer review", "CHIP", "Home PC" and others), many from which I reed on a today's day.

All this subsequently has defined a choice of profession and university.

I was finished school in 1999 and in this years I was joined on first cours at Donetsk State Technical University (now Donetsk National Technical University) on faculty Calculation technology and informatics.

In 2003 I has got a diploma of baccalaur computer engineering with the average mark ~4,4 and enterred in magistrature.

I has masterred programming language: C/C++, Assembler, Pascal, Delphi, command languages DOS/Windows, Unix/Linux, operation systems: Windows 9x, WindowsNT/2000/XP, Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Linux, web-technologys: HTML, Perl/CGI, Java and JavaScript, nets technologys: NetBIOS, IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, modelling: MicroCap, PCAD, Active-HDL.

Plans to the nearest future: graduate from magistrature and find a work in organizations, where I can raise my professional level.

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