John Newbigin, "Spec of the second extended filesystem"

This information has been compiled from resources published on the internet, the Linux kernel source and information gained from experimentation.


minix -> extend fs -> 2nd extended


The file system is created from a sequential collection of blocks. These blocks can be either 1k, 2k or 4k in size. These blocks are divided up into groups for various reasons.

The starting point for the filesystem is the superblock. This is a structure 1024 bytes in length and is always located at an offset of 1024 bytes from the start of the filesystem.

The following is a list of the structure used by Linux. Note that other OS's (like hurd) may use a slightly different structure. For details see ???.h

field name type comment
s_inodes_count ULONG Count of inodes in the filesystem
s_blocks_count ULONG Count of blocks in the filesystem
s_r_blocks_count ULONG Count of the number of reserved blocks
s_free_blocks_count ULONG Count of the number of free blocks
s_free_inodes_count ULONG Count of the number of free inodes
s_first_data_block ULONG The first block which contains data
s_log_block_size ULONG Indicator of the block size
s_log_frag_size LONG Indicator of the size of the fragments
s_blocks_per_group ULONG Count of the number of blocks in each block group
s_frags_per_group ULONG Count of the number of fragments in each block group
s_inodes_per_group ULONG Count of the number of inodes in each block group
s_mtime ULONG The time that the filesystem was last mounted
s_wtime ULONG The time that the filesystem was last written to
s_mnt_count USHORT The number of times the file system has been mounted
s_max_mnt_count SHORT The number of times the file system can be mounted
s_magic USHORT Magic number indicating ex2fs
s_state USHORT Flags indicating the current state of the filesystem
s_errors USHORT Flags indicating the procedures for error reporting
s_pad USHORT padding
s_lastcheck ULONG The time that the filesystem was last checked
s_checkinterval ULONG The maximum time permissable between checks
s_creator_os ULONG Indicator of which OS created the filesystem
s_rev_level ULONG The revision level of the filesystem
s_reserved ULONG[235] padding to 1024 bytes
TODO revision 1...

s_r_blocks_count :
this is the number of blocks which are reserved for the super user

s_first_data_block :
Depending on the block size, the first data block will be either 0 or 1. See diagram below

s_log_block_size :
0 = 1k block size
1 = 2k
2 = 4k

s_log_frag_size :
At the moment, it seems that fragments are not implemented. In the future I may have to find out how they work.

The filesystem is divided up into block groups. Note that the last block group may not be complete

Each block group has space reserved for a number of inodes.

s_mtime, s_wtime
This may be the mount time, or the umount time. I am not sure which.

s_mnt_count, s_max_mnt_count
Once this count reaches the maximum, the filesystem must be checked, the count is then reset.

This should contain the magic number 0xEF53

This contains a set of flags which indicate wether the filesystem is clean etc.

This contains falgs which indicate how the filesystem should be treated if errors are found.

For Linux this is ???

The current revision is ???

The information in the superblock is used to access the rest of the data on the disk.

The number of block groups = the number of blocks / the number of blocks per group; // rounded up

All block and inode addresses start at 1. The first block on the disk is block 1. 0 is used to indicate no block.

Each block group can be found at the block address ((group number - 1)* blocks per group) and is of course blocks per group long. Group numbers are 1 based aswell

Each group is just a series of blocks, however the first blocks in the group have a special purpose. The remainder are used for storing data.

| Superblock | Group Descriptors | Block Bitmap | INode Bitmap | INode Table | Data blocks |
|This is the same for all groups | this is specific to each group                          |

The superblock is stored in the first data block (except for group 1)

The Group Descriptors contains information on the block groups. This data is covers all the groups and is stored in all the groups for rudundency. This is an array of the following structure

field name type comment
bg_block_bitmap ULONG The address of the block containing the block bitmap for this group
bg_inode_bitmap ULONG The address of the block containing the inode bitmap for this group
bg_inode_table ULONG The address of the block containing the inode table for this group
bg_free_blocks_count USHORT The count of free blocks in this group
bg_free_inodes_count USHORT The count of free inodes in this group
bg_used_dirs_count USHORT The number inodes in this group which are directories
bg_pad USHORT padding
bg_reserved ULONG[3] padding

The size of the descriptors can be calculated as (sizeof(ext2_group) * number of groups) / block size; // rounded up if necessary

The information in this structure us used to locate the block and inode bitmaps and inode table.

Remember that the first entry corresponds to block group 1.

The block bitmap is a bitmap indicating which blocks in the group have been allocated. If the bit is set then the block is allocated. The size of the bitmap is (blocks per group / 8) / block size;// with both divisions rounded up.

It is necessary to find out which group a particular block is in to be able to look up the bitmap. The group = ((Block number - 1) / Blocks per group) + 1; // rounded up

The block in that group is then Block Number - (Group * Blocks per group)

The inode bitmap is essentaly the same as the block bitmap, but indicates which inodes are allocated. The size of the inode bitmpap is (inodes per group / 8) / block size;// with both divisions rounded up.

The same calculations can be used for finding the group of a particular inode. The group = ((INode number - 1) / INodes per group) + 1; // rounded up

The inode in that group is then INode Number - (Group * INodes per group)

The inode table is an array of the inodes for that particular group. Again, the first entry is for the first inode in that group.

field name type description
i_mode USHORT File mode
i_uid USHORT Owner Uid
i_size ULONG Size in bytes
i_atime ULONG Access time
i_ctime ULONG Creation time
i_mtime ULONG Modification time
i_dtime ULONG Deletion Time
i_gid USHORT Group Id
i_links_count USHORT Links count
i_blocks ULONG Blocks count
i_flags ULONG File flags
i_reserved1 ULONG OS dependent
i_block ULONG[15] Pointers to blocks
i_version ULONG File version (for NFS)
i_file_acl ULONG File ACL
i_dir_acl ULONG Directory ACL
i_faddr ULONG Fragment address
i_frag UCHAR Fragment number
i_fsize UCHAR Fragment size
i_pad1 USHORT  
i_reserved2 ULONG[2]  

The file mode is a set of flags that specify the type of file and the access permissions

identifier value comment
S_IFMT F000 format mask
S_IFSOCK A000 socket
S_IFLNK C000 symbolic link
S_IFREG 8000 regular file
S_IFBLK 6000 block device
S_IFDIR 4000 directory
S_IFCHR 2000 character device
S_IFIFO 1000 fifo
S_ISVTX 0200 sticky bit
S_IRWXU 01C0 user mask
S_IRUSR 0100 read
S_IWUSR 0080 write
S_IXUSR 0040 execute
S_IRWXG 0038 group mask
S_IRGRP 0020 read
S_IWGRP 0010 write
S_IXGRP 0008 execute
S_IRWXO 0007 other mask
S_IROTH 0004 read
S_IWOTH 0002 write
S_IXOTH 0001 execute

The i_block entry is an array of block addresses. The first EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS (12) are direct block addresses. The data in these blocks is the content of the file. The next block EXT2_IND_BLOCK in the indirect block. This is the address of a block which contains a list of addresses of blocks which contain the data. There are block size / sizeof(ULONG) addresses in this block.

The EXT2_DIND_BLOCK is simalar, but it is a double indirect block. It countains the address of a block which has a list of indirect block addresses. Each indirect block then has another list is blocks.

The EXT2_TIND_BLOCK is simalar again, but it is the tripple indirect block. It contains a list of double indirect blocks etc.


Now that you know how to find and read inodes, you can start to read the files. There are a set of special inodes which are reserved for certain puposes. These include

indetifier value description
EXT2_BAD_INO 1 Bad blocks inode
EXT2_ROOT_INO 2 Root inode
EXT2_BOOT_LOADER_INO 5 Boot loader inode
EXT2_UNDEL_DIR_INO 6 Undelete directory inode
EXT2_FIRST_INO 11 First non reserved inode

The most important inode here is the root inode. This is the inode at the root of the file system. This inode is a directory, which like all directories has the following structure:

field name type description
inode ULONG address if inode
rec_len USHORT length of this record
name_len USHORT length of file name
name CHAR[0] the file name

A directory is a list of these structures. The structures can not pass over a block boundry, so the last record is extended to fill the block. And entry with an inode of 0 should be ignored.

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