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 of master Mikhedov E.Y.(2003)

Evgeniy Yurievich

miner-geological faculty
Chair of geoinformation and geodesy

Theme of degree works:
"Precision GPS-levelling"

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Ukrainian Ukrainian

professor, d.s.t. Gavrilenko Y.N.

Russian Russian


      I was born in 9 july 1980 in the city Donetsk. When i were 5 years, my parents have divorced. We with mum have moved to district Budennovsky of city and lived there together. Together with friends I frequently walked on waste heaps near to a house, went to bathe on different rates. Especially cheerfully winter time passed as it was possible to play hockey and to go for a drive on ice and skate from snow hills. Also we went to sea of Azov to Yalta or Sedovo-seaside settlement in the summer. Except for the sea at this time we went in different pioneer camp, where it was always very interesting and cheerful, to miss it was not necessary.We went with mum to Mariupol-city to relatives sometimes. This city is very beautiful and interesting has seemed to me any especial in comparison with Donetsk, constructions and buildings were simple and at the same time very beautiful stylish, there were many playgrounds with a swing where I frequently spent time. In the childhood I liked to draw different things, technics, various characters from cartoon films. Studied at three schools of city, and i ended School ¹ 118. Subjects most of all i liked: geography, physics, work, drawing, and later plotting. At leisure i drew animations in notebooks, and also i made any toys of various materials. Subjects i liked most of all: geography, physics, work, drawing, and later plotting.

      In 1995 i has finished 9 classes with estimations "4" and "5". I has acted in Donetsk technical school of industrial automatics on a speciality "Operation and adjustment of the automated systems". Years in technical school have passed in study. On the first rate subjects of a comprehensive school taught. In deadlines it was necessary to read through a plenty of the domestic and world literature in comparison with school days. Products of such authors, as i have liked very much L.Tolstoj, M.Bulgakov, E.Remarque. In During free time from study i was engaged in woodcarving. In the further years of study the majority of subjects was an electrotechnical structure with an orientation on automation of coal-mining manufacture. The degree project has been devoted to automation mine powertransport.

       In 1999 i has ended technical school with the red diploma and i has acted in Donetsk national technical university on a speciality "the Engineering geodesy" miner-geological faculty. I knew about the given speciality for that moment, that she is connected to construction and drawing up of maps, i.e. with activity of the person on the ground, and conditions of developing market attitudes in the country experts of the given speciality are in demand. For the given speciality The Faculty of geoinformatics and geodesy is main, with unique professorial and teaching structure. From the first rate teachers have started to read subjects on a speciality and that remarkable, on laboratory researches we learned practical skills of work with geodetic devices already, they were difficult for mastering firstly, and in general rate of study was faster, than in technical school. Month of practice was after each rate under the curriculum of faculty, during which our group gone during educational year a material fixed practically. In practice after 3-rd rate i has received skills of work with GPS-receivers which are for today progressive technologies. Except for work with devices for the engineer-geodesist now is very important and knowledge of computer technologies, therefore from the first rate on Faculty subjects teached on modern computer software packages in the field of a geodesy and databases. They allow to conduct processing of geodetic measurements and allow to create specific production which is stored in an electronic kind basically. In 2002 i has acted on military faculty of university, study on which proceeded within two years.

      After the termination of the fourth rate during an industrial practice 3,5 months i worked in Mariupol at the enterprise of engineering geodesy "Azovinzhgeodezija" where took part in various kinds of geodetic works. The technique of creation of digital maps in program Digitals and constructions of an analytical phototriangulation in program Triadàhas been investigated during practice. Both these programs are a part photogrammetric complex Delta which has come in the stead of traditional methods. In October, 2003 i has received the bachelor's degree and i has continued training in magistrature. My theme of degree works is "Precision GPS-levelling". The leader of dissertations - Gavrilenko Y.N. (the professor, Dr.Sci.Tech.).

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