Photo  Prudnykov А.  


Adress: 83012 Ukraine, c.Donetsk, str.Kuybiheva 203/38
Profession: "Mine Surveying"
Subject to thesises: "The solution of mine surveying problems by means of Stochastic methods "
Scientifik adviser: cand. tech. sci. Grischenkov Nikolay
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Русский язык
Українська мова

I was born on 18-th of December, 1981 in Donetsk. Donetsk is the capital of a remarkable miner's edge.

My father inured me to diligence from the childhood. His name is Prudnykov Nickolai. He took me on activity with itself. My mum accustomed me love to knowledge. Her name is Prudnykova Tetyana.

In 1985 our family has moved to Ugledar. There I has gone to school №102 in 1987. At that school I have finished only 1-st class. I studied at school in the Mongolian National Republic for two years because my father was the serviceman in Choir. Later I have finished school №71 in Donetsk.

During study at school I was engaged in the computer class and had miscellaneous hobby. In 11 class there was a problem where to go studies further? I have decided to enter DonGTU and I has gone on preparatory courses for the greater. Then other problem arose: on what speciality to stay?

I took part in examinations and I was entered on a speciality "Mine surveying". Since 1-st of September, 1999, I have become first year student and I made first steps on a sinuous and very not prime road of Science.

The four courses have passed very fast. Outcome 4 years activities I obtained the bachelor's degree and proposal of further development of the capacities, both in the field of mine surveying and in the field of computer equipment. The proposal to get a master's degree was by me is perceived positively. The subject of my research work is: "The solution of mine surveying problems by means of Stochastic methods".

Also after 4-th course I have decided to go will be trained on the second speciality. My second speciality is "Information control systems and technologies". Simultaneously with the beginning of study in a master's degree I began studies in the second speciality.

Receiving formation, I do not forget to find time for entertainments. There are many good friends, in the company which one I like to spend the free time. Many from them also are trained in a master's degree not only my University, but also other Universities of Donetsk. We celebrate holidays, go in clubs, and in general we spend time cheerfully.

My Near-term plans are graduation from master's degree. Then I want to find highly paid work conforming to the proficiency.

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