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ICQ: 121454666
![]() Polyakov Sergey VyacheslavovychFaculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics Theme of master's work: "Studies and development of evolutional algorithms and construction of tests for logical charts." Supervisor: Skobtsov Yu.A. |
I was born on September, 13, 1981 in town Donetsk . For what very beholden to the parents Polyakovoy Tat'yane Vasiliy and Polyakovu Vyacheslavu Ivan. I grew in intellectual family, so that education gave good me, there was enough attention from every quarter: in childhood conducted the heap of time with a grandmother grand-dad. Exactly grandparents pampered me, and I, in the case of what, at once complained to them on parents. I came in the first class of secondary school ¹ 95 in 1988. To the fifth class I passed to other middle school ¹ 9, linked it was with the change of domicile. She is a demanding skilled and responsible teacher which will not leave the student regardless, will stand for him a mountain. Due to its persistence most my class-mates entered prestige higher educational establishments on prestige specialities. Warm words must be said also about my teacher of mathematics – Artemenkova Alexander Igor. Without this man studies in an university would be difficult . Due to its lessons algebras and geometries most my class-mates without problems handed over preliminary examinations in different prestige Institutes of higher. Then I thought that to act on a faculty which was related to the computers and new technologies. In 1999, I made off school (with the deep study there are physicists and mathematicians). And in the same year, I entered Donetsk National Technical University and choice was done yet a long ago : in a great deal thanking the presence of military department , and also good to the reviews of graduating students and acquaintances on speciality the "Computer systems of diagnostics in medicine and technique". That became one of principal reasons of my choice, that I was attracted by medicine in a technique, but however main computers. And now, I finished learning a to 5 course, becoming the officer of supply of anti-aircraft troops of Ukraine, getting the diploma of bachelor and entering a city council, I stand before the direct problem of writing of diploma . The theme of my diploma was chosen by no chance. I always liked new technologies and after a few chosen variants I stopped on the Evolutional algorithms. Also in a great deal to my choice my leader Skobtsov YU. A. one of the best specialists in this sphere. The basic task of my work is the studies of evolutional algorithms and construction of tests for logical charts. Actuality of task is that the researches conducted in this industry only began to be conducted and it is possible to say that this industry develops only. And they are widely used in a modern technique and in PC. In future I suppose to continue work in this industry , to execute jointly research works and perfect the developed system. Unfortunately , presently future known to nobody so that it is a not unique variant. I assume similarly, that will work in area of the computer systems, This work is conducted in Ukraine and in a whole world very swiftly and sometimes simply there are no enough specialists. Therefore, this region of activity to me appears perspective enough . |