Ukr Rus
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Mamonova Irina Pavlovna

Faculty mechanical
Speciality: "The technology of machinebuilding"

The theme of master's work:"Multinomenclature machining selflok nat on rotor and rotor-conveyor lines"

Supervisor:Mihaylov À.N.

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         My name is Mamonova Irina. I was born in Gorlovka in 1982, 13-th of January. About my parents: my father is Pivkin Pavel, my mother is Pivkina Tamara. They work at Gorlovka machine building woks. Except me they brought up one more daughter, my older sister.

         In 1989 I entered Gorlovka compulsory school 2, where I studies for 8 years. During the school period I was fond of dancing and singing, I participated in school contests and mental quizzes and I managed to be a winner. For the excellent studing  and public activity I was awarded prises.

        In 1997 having finishing the school excellently, I was enrolled on the first course of Gorlovka machine building college without entrance exams. My profession was “The processing of material on machine-fools and automatic lines”. I have studied there for 4 years excellently.

         On the ground of agreement between Gorlovka machine building college and Donetsk National Technical University, in 2001 I was enrolled on the third course of DNTU. The profession was “Technology of machine-building”.

          I have got the bachelor’s degree and I was suggested the further studing in the magistrates.

          The direction of my science activity is systems of high productivity,rotor and rotor-conveyor lines. The activity I am occupied with is under the guidance of the head of the chair “Technology of machine building” professor Mihaylov Alexandr Nikolaevich.

           After I have finished the magistrates I hope to find a good job, which could realize me as a spesialist  and ensure a worthy future.

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