Donetsk national tekhnical university
Mechanicai department
Sevastyanova Evgeniya
speciality: "Quality, standartisation, sertifikation"
topic if dissertation: "The principes of TQM"
the boss: Momot A.
I was born in Gorlovka on the 5 of August, 1982, but my native town is
Kharsysk, because I spent my childhood and teenage there. In 1989 I went to school. There
I studied until 6 form, and then I began to study at the school with deep studing of
foreign languages, which I graduated with succes. In 1999 I entered to DNTU to Physical-
Metallurgical Department. In 2003 I received the bacalavr degree and changed my speciality
to 'Quality, standartisation, sertification'.