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Krasik Paul

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Krasik P.

Donetsk National Technical University DonNTU
Electrotechnical department ETF
Chair "Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive"EAPU
Group EAPU 00

Superviser of studies
Doctor of technical science, professor managing by a department the "Еlectric drive and automation of industrial equipment" Kocegub P.H.
Master work
"Development of the system of automation of lines of manipulator, with the use of observers of the state"


Krasik Paul Igorevich was born in 1982 in Donetsk. The father - Krasik Igor Yakovlevich, engineer. The Mother – Krasik Svetlana Vilgenevna, engineer-technologist.


In 1986 I was sent in the nursery school Cinderella. I was there until 1988 year, when time came to go to school.

School years

I spent the first school years at general school №6 untill the winter 1990. In a 2nd class I passed to general school № 95, because my family moved. I studied there successfully untill the 7th class. Then the parents concerned by the further fate of the child passed me to physic-mathematical school № 35. I finished it in 1999.


At school I began to think about the choice of the future profession. On the last year of studying at school I decided to enter three Donetsk institutes at once: on rating in the Donetsk national technical university electrotechnical department, on preliminary examinations in the Donetsk national university physical department and in the Donetsk university of economy and trade mechanical department. Passes out rating tests and examinations, I decided to choose an electrotechnical department DonNTU chair Electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive, and was included. I understood that in the future Ukraine may need skilled specialists in this region, and studying in DonNTU is guarantee of receipt of thorough knowledges in a selected technical region. The DonNTU reputation is blameless.

In 2003, continuing a successful study on basic speciality, I enetered at retraining of shots department of the DonNTU choir the consideration and audit.

In 2004 I has got the diploma of specialist on speciality electromechanic systems of automation and electric drive and after short duration rest came to conclusion, that I must continue education. I entered magistracy of DonNTU on same speciality, where I'm studyng presently. I am training under the direction of professor Kocegub P.H. Theme of my master work is "Development of the system of automation of lines of manipulator, with the use of observers of the state".


I'm sure, that after graduation DonNTU I will work on speciality and will find my place in the life.

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