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Mesheryakova Elena Nikolaevna

Mesheryakova  Elena Nikolaevna

Electrotechnical faculty.


Providing electricity to the undertakings.

Scientific supervisor:

assistant professor of Providing electricity to the undertakings chair Chernikova Lidia Viacheslavovna.

Master degree theme:

“Investigation of influence the quality of electrical energy on the lighting technological features on example of designing the light providing system of undertakings.

          I was born on the 27th of January, 1983 in Donetsk city. I proud that my native town is such strong industrial center, the miners land.

          My father, Mesheryakov Nikolay Andreevich, from miners family. My grandfather, Mesheryakov Andrey Ivanovich, after the Great Patriotic War has arrived in Donbass to restore our land. Together with my grandmother, Mesheryakova Nina Gerasimovna, they whole life worked at mine name of Kalinina. Upon their foot will go their sons. My uncle, Mesheryakov Viktor Andreevich, was award ranks of the Cavalry of the Miners Glory. My father worked on mine name of Kalinina 11 years. Afterwards he passed to the other job on its professions, which has got after finishing of Donetsk Politechnic Technical school. Here, in Donetsk Gorvodokanal, he works at present. My mother, Mesheryakova Valentina Nesterovna, was born in Odessa region. She finished the Odessa Trade Technical school on professions "Accounting in trade and public feeding", and the whole life she works on its professions, accountant. The mothers native land, vilage Sarazhinka Odessa region, in some measure became and my. Since early childhood I spent there considerable part of my life; knew, where grow the hazel-nut in enormous forest, where are glades with strawberries, where possible find turn black currant and else much tasty and interesting. But in general my childhood was as a childhood of majority children.

          In 1986 I went to kindergarten ¹290 “ Ugolyok”. But to go there wasn’t my favorite thing, that’s why I attended it not regular, I often stayed at home. Especially I was glad, when my parents took me home from “sleeping hour”.

          The 1 of September was a beginning of my study in general educating school ¹64 in Donetsk city. I was very glad to attend school because I started to read early. My first book “Fairy tales of foreign writers” I read in first class. I studied in school very industriously. Until 10th class I received diplomas for perfect graduating a school year. I took part in school olympiads in algebra and geometry, chemistry and biology, russian and ukrainian, russian and ukrainian literature and occupied first places.

          Until 11th class I dreamed to become a doctor. But when it was time to choose my future, I sharply wished to study in former Donetsk State Technical University. The name “DPI” in my mind associated with merry, but in needed moments able to decide the most difficult tasks students. And in 1999 I entered course which prepared abiturients in Donetsk State Technical University.

          After graduating school in 2000 I took part in rating examinations three times. As a result, I entered on interview on electrotechnical faculty, speciality "Providing electricity to the undertakings" (EPG).

          First of september in 2000 I became a student. In the beginning of my studies I understood, that I wasnt mistaken, fixing on technical university. Especially I remember a first course, because then I learned to manage with difficulties. I liked very much to draw. "An Engineering graphic arts and descriptive geometry" became my favourite subject. Afterwards I liked to study "Theoretical electrical bases of electrical engineering" (TOE) and special subjects, such as "Electric apparatures", "Lighttechnical devices", "Theory of automatic management", "Providing electricity to industrial enterprises" and others. In 2001 I took part in olympiads on TOE. In the same year under the direction of Zibold Alexander Fedorovich together with all stream of EPG I went on excursion on wind electric station in Novoazovsk. A Process of receiving knowledges for me was accompanied by realization of that thing, that there are a real people, who are able to understand and help in a difficult moments. Here I met a real friends also.

          In 2004 after taking state examination I received bachelor-electrician diploma. Then again got up a question of future plans. I fixed on magistracy. The master degree theme was offered by my scientific supervisor Lidiya Vjacheskavovna Chernikova. It sounds like: "Investigation of influence the quality of electrical energy on the lighting technological features on example of designing the light providing system of the undertakings". This theme is actual for my speciality, therefore represents big interest for me. Change for the worse of quality of electrical energy is a cause of electrotechnical and technological damage, which express in increase of losses of electrical energy, in shortening of period of work technical arrangements which including lighting arrangements. Thats why necessity to make design for the systems which are function with a figures of quality which are satisfy to the essential figures. Magisters job allows to systematizate and to deepen the received knowledges and also to know a lot of new and interesting.

          During the time, spent in university, I had time to get used to my speciality and to love it, recognized a lot about the teachers of EPG chair (now its ESE – electric systems of consumption electricity), about their numerous successes in domain of endless researches. On chair is shown out a great number formulas, decision methods of various tasks. Many students also left their track on the chair. All this are preconditions of prosperous chair future and I am assured, that it will be so.

          As for my professional future, I hope to finish successfully the magistracy and to achieve definite successes in future, with benefit applying received in university and habits and improving them in work process.

Knowledges is a power, power is a knowledges.


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