KONSTANTIN IVANOVICH CHEBANENKO is the professor of DonNTU, participant of battle actions in Great Patriotic war, mountain engineer-mechanic, finished with a difference the Donetsk industrial institute (1951ã.), candidate of engineering sciences (1969ã.), associate professor (1973ã.), honoured professor of university (1999ã.), - borned on Junes, 3 1924 in p. Bogatyr' of Âelykonovoselovskogo district of the Donetsk region. Worked in coal industry six years.
With 1958 works in the Donetsk polytechnic institute in the beginning by an assistant, after associate professor, and from 1991ã. by a professor. In 1964ã. he entered teaching of discipline «Editing, adjusting, service and repair of electromechanics equipment of mines», developed a lecture course, laboratory practical work and created an educational laboratory.
During 14 years of Chbanenko K. I. worked as the dean of gornoelektromekhanycheskogo faculty. A faculty had nine departments, three of particular a branch researches laboratories, volume of the advanced studies most in an institute of higher. Under his guidance on a faculty an exemplary computer class is created.
Chbanenko K. I. was the member of uchebno-metodycheskoy commission of Mynvuza of USSR on speciality the «Mountain machines and complexes». Under his guidance the model curriculum of preparation of mountain engineers-electricians, USSR ratified by Mynvuzom, is developed. Chbanenko K. I. was the leader of NIOKR, the results of which are applied in industry. He author the 60 advanced studies, three monographs, two textbooks and six trains aids for high school.
During 21 year was the member of scientific advice of university, from 1977ã. he is a councillor faculty. Seven years worked as the chairman of mestkoma of trade union of institute of higher, was the member of presidium of regional committee of trade union and delegate of seventh convention of of particular a branch trade union.
Recipient of an award by the orders of «Domestic war of the II degree», «After courage 3 stupenya», eleven medals, signs «Miner's glory» of three degrees and six signs of other departments.