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Shestopalov Ivan Nikolaevich

Shestopalov Ivan Nikolaevich


The master of the faculty of geotechnology and production management ( FGPM )

The Donetsk National Technical University

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I, Shestopalov Ivan Nikovaevich, was born on 7 of april 1983 in Ugledar, Donetsk region.

My family:
- father, Shestopalov Nikolay Ivanovich, was born in Ukraine on December, 28, 1954, works on mine "Ugnodonbasskaya N3" as the underground electromechanic of 5-th category. This year father has left on pension and " the veteran of work " has received a rank;
- mother, Shestopalova Anna Grigorjevna, was born in Ukraine on January, 20, 1959, works on Open Company "Ugtransstroy" as the grown-up dispetcher a cargo and luggage. This year mother finishes training in Makeevka Metallurgical Technical school;
- the brother, Shestopalov Eugeny Nikolaevich, was born in Ugledar on June, 29, 1984, in 2004 has finished training in Technical school him Abakumov. Now the brother works on mine "Ugnodonbasskaya N1" as the mountain master.

In the childhood on development I outstripped the friends. In it the big merit of my parents. Already in 3 years I have learned to read and count, and since four years father started to be engaged from us sports. Therefore, when I have gone to school, it was not interesting for me, as everything to that us learned in initial classes, I already knew.
In 1989, in the age of six years, I have gone to a comprehensive school N1. As I already have told earlier, it was not interesting for me to study. The only thing, that was pleasant to me at school are lessons of physical culture. However, when I have passed to the fifth class, to study it became much more interesting. Probably, it is connected by that base knowledge did not suffice, I learned a lot of new.
In the fifth class my class teacher became Denisenkova Valentine Grigorjevna. I am very grateful to her for everything, that she has made for me. Business not that she is the teacher of physical culture - my most favourite subject. During the next six years she was engaged in our education, imparted to us kindness, keenness. Many thanks also to other teachers: to Stepovoy Alexander Sergeevich - to the teacher of physics, Kapuka Olga Kuzminichna - to the teacher of Russian and the literature, ShChur Vladimir Mihajlovich - to the teacher of physical culture.

After school which I have finished in 2000, I have risen a choice: in what high school to continue the further training? I have decided to hand over entrance examinations in Donetsk National Technical University (then it referred to Donetsk State Technical University), in Railway Institute, and also in Mountain - economic Technical school, the blessing in 2000 was already possible to hand over entrance examinations in some high school. By results of entrance examinations I have been recommended to transfer in all high school. But to study it is possible only in one high school. As you can see, I have made the choice.

Why I have chosen a mountain speciality? All is very simple: I was born and have grown in miner's settlement and in the childhood dreamed to become the miner, to look at how extract coal.
On the second rate such opportunity was presented me - we had first industrial practice. During the first and the subsequent opportunities I fixed the knowledge received at university knowlarges.
Will not believe, but most easy I managed to hand over academic year projects. All this of that I very much like to draw.

After 4 years of education I have decided to go to study in a magistracy. The head of my masters work- Novikov Alexander Olegovich has helped me with it. A theme of my masters work - "the Substantiation of an opportunity of management of structural - mechanical properties of a file of rocks by a rational choice of circuits of anchoring".
During free time from study I like to play in basketball with friends. Also I very much like to read interesting books and to prepare.