Personal page of the master of a specialty "Metal forming" Donetsk National Technical University | |||
Kulagin Roman Adviser: professor Beygelzimer Y. Theme of master’s works: “Development of a technique of designing of calibration rolls for rolling of trumpet preparation of the big diameter” e-mail: | |||
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ANNOTATION Zahur Ì., Kulagin R., Benetsky A. Criterion of stability of capture of a strip at a rolling in systems of calibers used for manufacture of trumpet preparation // Perfection of processes and the equipment of metal forming in metallurgy and mechanical engineering: the Collection of proceedings. – Kramatorsk: DGMA. – 2005. In article, by the example of the several metal works specializing on manufacture of trumpet preparation, and also on ñòàíàõ other types which assortment includes round steel of the big diameter, the typical systems of calibers intended for reception of trumpet preparation are considered. Advantages and lacks of known systems of calibrations roll for rolling of trumpet preparation now in use are analyzed. The basic requirements showed to calibration are formulated. As result of the analysis of the considered systems of calibers the main problems inherent practically to all systems, stability of a strip consisting in maintenance are revealed at the moment of capture and reduction occurring at different times capture on width. Certainly, the main features of calibration âàëêîâ for rolling of trumpet preparation are determined by constructive differences of rolling mills. But at designing calibration on any of systems, the account of criterion K will allow to increase stability of a strip at the moment of capture, and is to raise rationality of calibration as a whole. For calculation of criterion of stability the special computer program has been made. With the purpose of check of validity of criterion of stability offered by us in article results of calculation of criteria of two typical calibrations used for rolling of trumpet preparation are resulted. Results of calculations of criterion of stability correspond to statements of authors Iljukovich B.M., Nehaev N.E., Merkurjev S.E. «The rolling and calibration», Chekmarev A.P., Nosenko O.P. «Manufacture of trumpet preparation». The offered criterion of stability allows estimating stability of a strip at the moment of capture, also to give offers on perfection of calibrations roll. |