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Masters work


Faculty: "Physical-Metallurgical Faculty"
Speciality: "Processing of metals by pressure"
Theme final masters work:"Reduction continuous - cast preparation"
The supervisor of studies: Konovolov Y.V.


  I was born on June, 30, 1982 in Enakievo of Donetsk area in family of workers. All my relatives worked on a metal works and often took me with itself on excursion. Ever since at me and the beginnings appear interest to technics and metallurgy.

In 1989 I have got in school №2 my native cities where I have studied up to 11-th class. During study my interests often varied, I appear themselves in - всём. First, having heard I have decided to try sounds of a violin, as it at me will turn out. And in 1989 I have entered myuzik school № 1 which with success has finished later 5 years. However on it the aspiration to learn all has not ceased and already in 3-rd class I try myself in east single combats. Though it was pleasant to me in one year I start to be engaged in to a mug where there is my first acquaintance to technics(technical equipment) and technical creativity. All this last about 3th years during which I have thought up and has collected many models. The some people even floated. And then the circle was closed also by mine interes have directed in area of track and field athletics. Here I appear myself in many kinds, but most удучным began a threefold jump. In this kind I became the prize-winner обласных competitions and tournaments. After 10-th class I started to visit section of boxing. And further institute.

With 9-th on 11-th class I accepted active participation in a sports and public life of the school. In 1999 acted in structure of combined team of the city of Enakieva in military - patriotic game "Summer lightning" where our command has borrowed 3 place.

In 2000 I became student DonNtU, having acted on Physical-metallurgical faculty on a speciality " Processing of metals by pressure ". Since 1-st rate I appear in study and the bachelor's degree have received all efforts with distinction, and also a rank of the lieutenant of a stock. Then I also have decided to act in a magistracy.

Magistr's works I have chosen a theme of mine not casually. In conditions when the equipment of our enterprises for a long time was wore out, and means on new are not present. Before the enterprises there is a problem how to survive and not lose commodity markets of production.

E – mail:zeka82@