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Estimation of influencing of power of the electric furnace transformer on the losses of metal with the waste at melting in super-power furnace

O. Pyatachenko , A. Ponomarenko, E. Korzun
(DNTU, Donetsk, Ukraine)

      The race for abbreviation of duration of melting went in the process of development of elektric metallurgy production. This was achieved by a few innovations (gas burners, interfusion of bath, pressurization, warming of charge and etc.). But the deciding role herein was played by the rise of the power entered in stove from the electro-stove transformer. The rise of specific power of transformer took place swiftly and attained 1-1.2 MVA/t. Duration of melting from the issue to the issue dwindled in a few times. But, in connection with the hasty growth of prices on crow-bar, all more of attention spare to the questions of carbon-monoxide fumes of metal in stove. The high carbon-monoxide fumes of metal are linked that the thermal stream falling from arcs on the surface of charge can not be mastered by all mass of the hard metal having more low heat conductivity, than liquid metal. The temperature of surface of bath under arc remains to the equal temperature of boiling of metal practically during all melting. Because the metal can master only part of heat passed by arc, the other part of this heat goes to the overheat of the liquid metal contacting by arcs. It is assumed, that the increase of power of transformer will result in growth of intensity of evaporation.

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