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Credo: "Vivere est militare" (Latin).

               TSIPYLA  ILLYA

     Date of birth        1983

     Sex                  male

     Citizenship          Ukrainian

     birthsPlace          Donetsk sity, Ukraine

     marital status       is single

     Education            average:
                            High school # 123, Donetsk sity, 
                            Donetsk technical college,Donetsk
                            1.Physical-Metallurgical Faculty
                              of Donetsk National Technical
                            2.Economic after diploma education of 
                              Donetsk National Technical University

     Speciality           1.Processing of metals by stress (Metallurgy);
                          2.Account and audit (Economy).
     Military             second lieutenant of Armed Forces of Ukraine

     Olympiads,           participant of Allukrainian Olympiad of
     conferences,         Processing of metals by stress, Kiev sity, 2004
                          Participant of the International Conference, 
                          Ostrava,Czekh republic, 2004 	 

     Abilities            possession of the English language,
     and skills           computer skills  

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