Urgency of a theme.
By manufacture on reversive mill thick sheets waste products make of slabs 15 - 17 %. A principal cause - a deviation of the form of peals in the plan from rectangular. Besides significant lateral cut peals it is caused by occurrence on them of declines.
Hence, actual there is a problem of reception of peals under the form by way of close to rectangular.
Technology proskating rinks of thick sheets
On modern TSM for breaking up of scale use cage with vertical cylinders (if they are), hydrowhysk and basically, scales with pressure of water 12-25 MPa. Works on creation hydrowhysk with pressure of water up to 50 MPa are conducted.
The technology proskating rinks of thick sheets develops on two directions. The first - increase of accuracy proskating rinks and first of all, the maximal approach of the form ready sheets of peals to rectangular. It allows to receive minimal lateral and face cut, and, hence, maximum high output suitable. The second direction is connected to improvement of quality of the hire, determined by structure of metal and a complex of his physicomechanical properties directly the ambassador proskating rinks and coolings.
Attempts to use for improvement of the form of peals in the plan slabs of the various form of cross-section section at a proskating rink of thick sheets in practice have not got accustomed. Till now on TSM continue to use a way of maintenance of equality of factors of an extract of metal at broach and breakdown of width though it and has the limited opportunities.
Use cage with vertical cylinders allows to operate effectively enough the form of peals in the plan. Such circuits proskating rinks are realized on mill 3600 combines " Azovstal ". The charge of metal thus is reduced on 3 kg / t.
The ways based on profiling of wide or narrow sides of a slab in the first passes in vertical or horizontal cylinders at longitudinal or cross-section circuits proskating rinks are even more effective. Modes proskating rinks of thick sheets with variable reduction on length of a peal in vertical cylinders allow to receive economy of metal of 2,5-3 %.
The greatest effect provides management of the form of a peal in the plan with profiling of wide sides of a peal (MAS-PROCESS). It provides an output suitable on TSM down to 96 % and allows to receive sheets round, oval,wedge-shaped forms (in the plan) and variables (on length) thickness and width.
Proskating rinks on modern TSM solve a problem of increase of accuracy application of systems of automatic control of thickness, a cross-section structure and planeness of peals. Modern SART are based on hydropress devices. Their work allows to lower longitudinal verious thick peals on 30-40 % in comparison with a noncontrollable mode proskating rinks.
To regulation of a cross-section structure and planeness of strips apply counterbend working and basic cylinders, an additional bend of workers cylinders, axial moving of workers cylinders, hydromechanical change of a structure cylinders, and also a skew and crossing cylinders.
In some cases on TSM apply specially created asymmetric process proskating rinks. Thus asymmetry of process create due to different angular speeds of the top and bottom workers cylinders.
It is possible to count, that for the given period of time the problem of accuracy proskating rinks of sheets on TSM is solved.
Application of technological greasing on TSM allows to lower the charge cylinders on 20-40 %, the specific charge of the electric power on a proskating rink on 5-17 %, force proskating rinks on 3-7 %.
Maintenance of required temperature conditions proskating rinks on technological line TSM is made by application of the special equipment for cooling peals: lengthened live rolls (including with an opportunity of rocking of peals), bypass section live rolls, frames for rise of peals above live rolls, live rolls-carriages. The wide circulation there suffices for this purpose have received the installation of the accelerated cooling located only with back, or from the forward and back parties fair cage.
Researches and results.
In the given work at research of the form of peals in the plan at a proskating rink of thick sheets on TSM with the purpose of reduction of waste products of metal in cut profiling carried out in two misses: in last miss at broach - for management of camber of a peal on width and in last miss at breakdown of width - for reduction of length of rough end faces. When lateral sides of a peal at a proskating rink without profiling have the convex form, an average part of a peal at profiling press out in the greater degree, than trailer sites (fig. 1).
Similarly choose reduction at management of the form of face sides.
Parameters of profiling should provide reception of the form of ready peals in the plan with the minimal deviations from rectangular. The lead researches have shown, that for the decision of this problem change of thickness of a peal at profiling should be carried out on a parabola (see fig. 1). For definition of the current depth of profiling on width of a peal us the equation is offered
where - Hprthe maximal depth of profiling of average on width of a peal of a part, mm; Z - the current distance from a point of the beginning of change between cylinder a backlash at profiling up to settlement value, mm; B pr - width profile parts of a peal, mm; a - an exponent of a parabola on which profiling is carried out
Figure 1 Circuit of profiling of peals (cross-section section).
Speed of moving of workers celinders in a vertical plane at profiling is defined under the formula
Where V - speed proskating rinks, mm/c.
Values of a parameter have defined statistically on the basis of experimental researches of parameters of the form of the peals executed on laboratory mill duo-kvarto DonNTU.
It is received
Where h - accordingly thickness and width of peals before the miss with profiling
The form of peals, rolling on existing technology, is shown on fig. 2
Figure 2 Form of peals in the plan.
It estimated on length of the forward and back rough ends of camber on width
Depending on initial thickness H 0 and total relative reduction. Here B p , B z - width accordingly the forward and back ends of a peal.
Dependences are received
Where D - diameter of workers celinders;
The average mistake of approximation of the received equations makes accordingly 10 and 22 %. The equations are received at change of parameters proskating rinks in limits:
The received equations testify, that on known parameters proskating rinks H 0 /D and e are an opportunity with sufficient for practical purposes accuracy to define elements of the form of a peal with which help it is possible to estimate waste products of metal with cut. Results of researches have shown, that waste products with cut basically are influenced with lengths of the forward and back rough ends. The total length of the ends is in limits from 100 up to 500 mm, that in relation to the general length of a peal makes 7-20 %. Calculation of the area of a surface of peals testifies that due to improvement of the form of ready peals it is possible to reduce waste products of metal with face cut up to 3-8 %.
By results of a tentative estimation of the form of peals, as well as at
Laboratory researches, have defined depth and extent of profiling. Preparations in the size profile with variable reduction on length, depth of profiling made 0,8 mm, and length of a site with a ready structure of 100 mm. The cross-section section profile preparations is shown on fig. 3.
Figure 3 Cross-section section profile preparations
The described way has received the name in Japan MAS-PROCESS (automatic system of regulation of the form of a sheet). The principle of regulation at MAS-PROCESS consists in precomputation of the form of a peal on the created mathematical model (makes the COMPUTER) and giving to a peal in last miss at broach(for management of camber on width) or in last miss at breakdown of width (for reduction of length of rough end faces) the variable strictly certain longitudinal structure (fig. 4).
Figure 4 Circuit of formation lateral (à) and face (á) edges of a peal at MAS - process.
For the account it is artificial created different thick distortion of the form of a peal is compensated at the longitudinal circuit proskating rinks. Thus angular speed celinders, the moment of inclusion and deenergizing of press screws, size of their moving expect in the special mini computer. After development of system on TSM 5500 factories in Midzusima losses of metal in cut (at the first stage of development of system) have decreased from 5,5 % to 1,1 %, and the output suitable has made 93,8 %, further the output suitable on mill 5500 has reached 96 %.
The way proskating rinks with profiling wide sides of peals has the certain restrictions. At use of some circuits proskating rinks and the certain sizes of slabs and ready sheets it is impossible to receive the form of peals in the plan close to rectangular. It is connected by that after profiling at breakdown of width last has exceeded set or the ambassador broach the length of a peal has exceeded allowable. It is necessary to choose correctly the sizes of a slab at preservation of the set weight.
The success of Japanese speaks that on modern TSM Japan there are high-speed hydraulic press devices, and process proskating rinks copes with the help of the COMPUTER. On TSM and Russia these obligatory conditions are not present Ukraine. Therefore process also is not mastered.
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