Разработка методов по снижению потребления теплоэнергоресурсов в условиях теплоснабжения жилищных комплексов от ТЭС

Master’s work
Zhitneva С.В.
DonNTU, chair ТI

Development of methods of decrease in consumption thermal enerdy resources in conditions of a heat supply of housing complexes from ТES

In given master's work development of methods on decrease in consumption teploinergiesresurses in conditions of a heat supply of housing complexes from ТЕS is conducted and the estimation of the offered project is done.

In the project methods saveenergy:thermal issolition pipelines, reconstruction of system of heating of apartment houses, systems of ventilation, warming of basements are offered.

After carrying out of necessary gaugings and their processing calculation of benefit of the given project is conducted.

Benefits from realization of the project include the following four basic components: economy of power resources as a result of increase energyeffectiveness; saveenergy increase in volume of realization (production, works and services); the prevented expenses; other monetary receipts. the effect in cost and natural expression represents a difference between consumption of power resources on object of realization of the project in situations « with the project » and « without the project ». At input of the initial data it is necessary to take into account, that power efficiency both functioning, and the new equipment established energyeffectiveness within the framework of the project it is reduced. Thus decrease the old equipment is usual occurs faster rate. Realization saveenergy the project can render direct influence on volume of realization (production, works, services). The gain of volume of realization (can have negative value) also is defined by comparisons of situations « with the project » and « without the project ». Costs which it is possible to avoid as a result of the project concern to the prevented expenses. Obviously, the current expenses for operation of the existing equipment and for his major overhaul concern to them. When service life of the existing equipment, despite of major overhauls, cannot be prolonged up to term of operation of the new equipment on specifications, there is a problem of inadequacy of the periods of comparison of technical and economic parameters of the old and new equipment. Last category of benefits of the project includes all other monetary receipts. Incomes of sale of the old equipment and materials are taken into account as a result of its dismantle. It is necessary to have in view of, that the account of receipts at residual cost (balance cost minus deterioration) can appear too optimistical. It is better to make an estimation of receipts from his sale at market cost. The income is also the difference between liquidating cost of the new and old equipment. At the big duration of life cycle of this component usually neglect. (Realization of the project can be accompanied by various other receipts and outflows of money resources, the difference between which sizes is taken into account in clause other monetary receipts. Therefore by preparation of the initial data careful identification of all measurable consequences of realization of the project is necessary.

With help Ехсеl - it is easy for model to calculate such useful indicator of return capital investments as the period of a recoupment. It shows time necessary to equal the resulted values of benefits and expenses and by that, as against the most widespread method of an estimation on a simple time of recovery of outlay, characterizes the real time of recovery of outlay which is taking into account the factor of time. The urgency of the given work now is caused by increase of demand among the population and the enterprises on construction and reconstruction of buildings.

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