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Abroskina Natalia Vladimirovna Subject "Software" Group: ĎÎ-00á The theme of master reserach - "Methods of evaluation of economical efficiency of corporative information systems" Scientific adviser - candidate of technical science, lecturer Ladizhenskiy Yuriy Valentinovich My e-mail: |
I, Abroskina Natalia Vladimirovna, was born on September 10th 1983 in Donetsk city, which is situated in Donetsk region of Ukraine. My father is Abroskin Vladimir Nikholaevich. My mother is Abroskina Valentina Alekseevna. Since early childhood people around told me that I was a talanted child. I had always participated in all the holidays, competitions, I was an active teenager. When I was 5 and a half my parents brought me to the dance studio of folk dancing. It was Ensemble of Honoured Dance of Ukraine «Zarevo», which is still placed in the palace of culture named Lenin. I was very good at dancing. In two years owr child group started to take part in concerts. My friends and classmates used to come to see me at the concerts. I was very proud of dancing on the stage. I was in this dance studio for 9 years, and I was very sorry to leave dancing.
I went to school when I was six. It was in the school number 31. I started to notice that mostly I liked math, actually it was easy for me to learn it. When in seventh grade my parents had transfered me to school number 1, I have chosen physico-mathematical class. Besides all the subjects we studied informatics there, it was rarity for other schools, we have studied programming language Basic. If to compare these two schools, then I can mark the school number 1, which gave me an opportunity to develop as a personality and to develop my education. I took part in all the holidays and celebrations in school.
When I was in tenth grade I had heard from my classmates about competition of english, which was held over all the Ukraine. It included three rounds. As the result the winner would receive a trip to the USA for one academic year. I, of course, had not beleived in my knowledge of english, because unlike my friends, which were taking extra classes of english, I have been learnig this language only in school. Nevertheless me and my mom went to the interview. I have passed all three rounds of the competitions and left to the states in August before school started in the year 1999. I was living in the family in Las-Vegas, Nevada and I was going to high school. During this year I have learned English very gool and that was it. The school courses in the states were much easier, and that is why when I came back to Donetsk, it was not easy for me. I had three weeks to pass all the exams of 11th grade, and to apply to the university afterall.
Motives of applying to the University and choosing the profession
I had a choise: to graduate from school this year or to study one more year. I had chosen the first. That is why I did not have much time to think, I had to pass all the exams. In the USA I have attended a compute exibition named COMDEX, it made an impression on me. Also the son of my host parent had been working in the computer company NEC. When I has been going to high school in the states I have chosen Computer science, which was not easy. We have been studying hardware, construction of computer. So I have chosen my profession and applied to the Donetsk National Technical University. As I was studying I felt that it was not enough fo me. So, being the second year student, I decided to get one more profession of economist. Now I am very happy that I did it. Thanks to my mom. I think that I can find my place having two professions. Also I continued to speak english in the University.
I strongly decided that I have to get the master degree. My scientific advisor – Ladizhenskiy Yuriy Valentinovich. We have been discussing the theme of my work and came to the following conclusion. If I am getting two professions, it would be good, if they will be combined, and we have chosen very progressive direction – Evaluation of investment projects.
In the next ftuure I would like to find my place and have a good job. It would be very nice if my job would be connected with communication with people, some trips. I do not like just sit in the office and do droningly some work. I have not found my mission yet, but I hope I will get some help on it. Because the very important thing is to start doing something and be able to communicate with people.
In January - February of year 2006 I hope to graduate and get my master degree and diploma of economist. After that, being free from studying person, I will begin to work and give many time to this. Actually I have always to be busy, have to work, go for sports, give some time to home work and my family. This is important. My life has to be full of events, to bring good money and moral satisfaction. Such I see myself in 5 years and more. As for much longer period, it is hard to say. One thing that know, I want to be experienced person, want to be needed and be in a good shape.
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