Averin Eugeny Gennadievich SNP: Averin Eugeny Gennadievich
Faculty: Computer science
Speciality: Software of the automated systems
Theme master's dissertation: Analysis of models forecasting for system monitoring of dangerous situations in territory of Donetsk area
Supervisor: Lecturer, Oleg Ivanovich Fedyaev
E-mail: jeki_mag@mail.ru
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Ukrainian language  Russian language
The biography

My birth

I, Averin Eugeny Gennadievich, was born at 8.45, on April, 12, 1983 in the city of Makeyevka of Donetsk area. My parents Gennady Viktorovich and Valentine Vasiljevna have named me Eugeny in honour of the doctor who accepted delivery and miracle has rescued me.

My childhood

The childhood passed cheerfully in the company of the senior brother and the charming cousin. The hobby was to assort toys and to understand as they are arranged and, certainly, to look animated cartoons. The childhood has passed quickly, actively and thank God safely as I am still alive. Then I have quickly matured, to me there were 7 years, and I have gone to school.

School days

I have made friends with two guys at school, which further studied with me in one university. School teachers «have imparted» to me love up to the Russian literature, mathematics and apathy to chemistry.
     I have ended 11 classes of the CS ¹108 c. Makeyevka in 2000 and after have entered in DonNTU (Donetsk National Technical University), on faculty of computer science. The choice of university is connected to the following characteristics: one of the most oldest universities of Ukraine, the diploma admits the European Community.

Years at university

Speciality CEM (computer ecology-economic monitoring) has chosen in connection with gravitation to information technologies. These years has learnt charm of game the preference, the first love, sleepless nights and many other things.
     I have entered on military faculty DonNTU in 2002, which in a rank of the second lieutenant has finished in 2004. I have received the bachelor's degree of computer sciences with distinction in 2004. I was transferred to a speciality «software» for reception degree of the master in the same year.

The marital status

During a spelling of the biography was single.


From the childhood liked to collect marks (has collected rectangular, the second and small:). In teenage years has learned to play on a guitar. Till now I am fond of cycling, tourism, fate music and modern information technologies.

The future

The task consisting in forecasting of the future, is unsoluble, in opinion of the expert in the field of forecasting. But I know some things precisely: «it is time fun and happy days passes, leaving the brightest memoirs of my youth».
     I would like to be engaged in forecasting of risks, is not dependent on object of research, after reception degree of the master. And in the long-term future – to create own firm and to provide a worthy old age.

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